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"You've got about 3 seconds to get off your ass and in to the car outside" he told me seriously and I looked the other way. "Harry!" Liam yelled and stomped out of the room. A minute passed and Harry walked in the room.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Harry asked me and I didnt answer. Harry grabbed my wrist and I lifted my leg up and hit him in the leg. "Liam!" Harry yelled and he walked out. "Y/n let's go!" Zayn yelled. They all walked in and stood around me. Niall went to grab me and I glared at him. "Y/n get off the couch" Liam told me and I shook my head. "Tell me what were doing for the mission" I countered.

"No" Liam shook his head. "Why?" I asked angrily and Liam threw his hands up. "Because I said so. Now let's go before I drag you off this couch" Liam gritted his teeth. "Nope you can go on your secret mission alone" I spat at him and they all walked out. A few minutes later Harry walked in and I stood up. "Last chance sweetheart" I heard Zayn say and I backed up.

"Just get in the car, so we can go" Niall told me and I sat on the ground. Harry and Zayn walked over toward me and grabbed me. I started to kick and scream. "Niall! Liam!" Harry yelled and they both came in and Harry grabbed my hands as Zayn, Liam, and Niall held my down. Harry zip tied my hands behind my back.

"Fucking ow Harry" I yelled and I wiggled and kicked. "Bloody hell" Liam held his nose. I smiled in victory as I saw blood trickle down his nose. After screaming and kicking my feet were zip tied together as well and Harry picked me up. "I swear to God put me down and untie me!" I yelled as we walked out side. Harry put me in a car and Liam got in the other side.

"Fuck you" I spit and Liam and smiled at me. "I love you too" he winked at me and his made me even more angry. "Goddamn it Liam I swear I'm gonna kick your ass" I grumbled and looked out the window. We started to drive and after a few hours my arms and hands started to fall asleep.

"Liam" I spoke and he glanced at me. I tried to wiggle my fingers but they got all tingly. "Take these off, my hands are falling asleep" I told him and tried to stretch. He pulled out a pocket knife and threw it in my lap. "Liam" I huffed and tried to pick it up. "Do you want me to crash?" He asked and I rolled my eyed.

He grabbed the knife back and I tried to grab for it. "Stop" I demanded and he smirked. I turned my whole body and pulled on the handle as hard as I could and Liam slanmed on his breaks. We went screeching and he swiped the hair from his face. "What the fuck?" He yelled at me and I grabbed the knife from him and cut my hands free and then my feet. I got out of the car and I saw the other four boys walking toward our car.

"What happened?" Zayn shouted and Liam got out of the car and walked over to me. I held the knife out toward him. "You could have killed your self!" He yelled at me and I smiled. "What the hell happened??" Niall asked and Liam didnt answer. "Y/n, what were you thinking?!" Liam yelled at me and I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Liam demanded to know. "I'm glad you care about my safety" I smiled and kept my stance with the knife pointed at him. "Get back in the car we still have 2 days drive to go" Liam grunted and they all looked at me and then at him. They started to walk and Zayn grabbed my arm after Harry grabbed the knife from me. I rode in the car with Zayn and Harry after that and I laid in the back seat.

"Guys" I sighed and Harry turned around to look at me. "Why is Liam so on edge?" I breathed out and I heard Zayn chuckle. "He loves you. We all do" Zayn told me, and I sat up. "No he just wants me to do shit his way" I rolled my eyes.

"No he worries about you Y/n" Harry smiled at me. Harry turned back around and I leanded back against the seat. We got to a hotel room after another 8 hours of driving. "Just a few hours" Liam yawned as we all trudged in the door.

I flopped on the end of one of the beds and some one flopped next to me. I felt the bed go down a bit more and then I heard a few grunts and curses as we all got comfortable. I closed my eyes and I was out.


"Wake up Y/n" i got a shake and I opened my eyes. I wiped the drool from the side of my mouth. "Let's get outta here" Louis poked me and I sat up and saw all of them standing by the door.

I nodded and stood up off the bed and we walked outside. It was still dark, but I didnt really care. "Coming?" I heard one of them asked and I jumped a bit. I nodded and rubbed my eyes and got in the a car with Harry. "You gonna sleep again?" He asked and i nodded as I brought my legs up on the seat and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep after awhile.


"Darlin were here" I heard Harry's voice and I sat up and looked around. We were in a city, which was surprising. "Where are we?" I asked fully awake now. I heard Harry laugh, and I looked at him. "Were in New York love" he told me 

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