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"Untie him" Liam nodded to his wrists and ankles. I put the gun in my pants and started to untie him. "Go get Harry" Liam told me and I walked out.

"Harry?!" I yelled and looked around the house. "Bam!" He jumped from around a corner and I ducked. He held up his finger gun and I looked up at him. "Wow" he nodded and I stood up and flipped him off. "Liam wants you" I pointed down the steps. "Y/n" I heard my name being called from the kitchen. It was Louis, but Zayn and Niall were in there too. I walked in there and they all looked at me.

"We've been thinking" Zayn told me. "That's dangerous" I smiled and he rolled his eyes. "About you. And about how Miller knew what you looked like" Niall told me. "Your brown hair and green eyes." Zayn said and looked down. "We gotta change how you look" Louis told me straight out and I was taken aback.

"Change how I look?" I repeated and they nodded. I looked at my long brown hair and then back at them. "If we change your hair color and other minor things about you then less people will know who you are" Niall explained. "Niall had his hair dark brown and pushed down for 6 months when he joined us" Louis told me and Niall pursed his lips and nodded.

"Well. ." I carried out my sentence and ran out of the room. "Wait" I heard them yell and I ran right in to Harry. "Hey there love. What's the rush?" He asked and I stumbled backwards. "Grab her Haz" Zayn called and Harry grabbed my arm. "I dont wanna change my hair color" I wined and Liam walked in the room. "What are we doing?" He asked confused.

"Were trying to talk Y/n into changing her hair color" Niall told him and he nodded. "I've been meaning to tell you about that" Liam nodded and I pulled away from Harry. "What color do you want?" Zayn asked me and I huffed. "I want this color" I held my own hair up and they shook there head. "Please just trust us on this" Liam asked me and I sighed.

It was quiet for a minute before I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Oh my God fine" I stomped in to the kitchen. I pulled up a chair and Zayn got some scissors while Harry held a mirror so I could see. "How much should I cut off?" Zayn asked and looked at Liam. My hair was fairly long. I never liked cutting it so it was almost to my butt.

"Short" Liam told him and Zayn grabbed some of my hair and I covered my eyes with my hands as my heart beat out of my chest. I heard Zayn snipping and I didnt wanna look. "Zayn I swear to God im gonna kill you next if this looks bad" I commented. "If you can catch me" he chuckled and I kept my eyes closed.

"Ok I'm done" Zayn said as I heard one last snip. "Look at it because it's not gonna be this color when I'm done" Zayn told me and I opened one eye and I gasped. Most of my hair was gone and on the floor. I stood up and looked at it in the mirror. It came just past my ear with a but of curve at the end. I heard them laughed and I turned to Zayn. "It took my 16 years to grow all of that hair" I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"Sit back down I got to color your hair" he told me and I crossed my arms. "What color? I dont even see the need?" I told them and sat down anyway. "You'll see. Close your eyes" Zayn told me and I covered my face again. I talked to the guys threw this and again my heart was beating out if my chest. "I hate all of you" I shook my head as Zayn rinsed it after it sat.

"You cant look at It until it dries" Zayn told me and took the mirror from Harry. I ran my hands through my short hair and it was damp. I shook my head like a dog and the boys covered them selves. "Hey hey" They all called and I shrugged. I ran out of the kitchen and in to the bathroom.

"No!" Zayn yelled and I looked in the mirror. My mouth hung open as I ran my fingers through my now red hair. "What do you think?" Zayn smirked. "I think I might throw up" I told him honestly and he put a hand on my shoulder. "Dont. You look great" he chuckled and I touched my hair again. I walked out if the bathroom with one last glance and Zayn swept up the hair.

"Its weird" Niall told me and I crossed my arms. "A good weird" Liam told me and I covered my head with my hands. "I think this calls for pizza" Harry spoke up and we all nodded. Liam and Niall drove to town and got pizza while the rest of us stayed back.

"What did you do with Miller?" I asked Harry as we sat on the couch. "Put him in the trunk of the car. We gotta go to Sam's tomorrow." Harry said and Liam and Niall walked in. We ate pizza and watched tv before they went up stairs to sleep. I stayed on the couch and kept playing with my hair before drifting to sleep.


"Hey Y/n" I got a shake and I opened my eyes. "Get up sweetheart we gotta go" Harry threw some clothes on me and I sat up. "Holy shit" Zayn said and looked at me from the stairs. "I forgot we did that" he laughed. I got changed in the bathroom and looked at my hair again before we got in the cars and drove to Sam's place.

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