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We got out of the cars and the sun was going down. We had been driving for about 10 hours and my ass hurt. We walked in and got a seat after getting our food. We sat and talked a bit. "What does that even have to do with the movies??" Harry demanded and I giggled.

"Every thing. Shes stupid and in love" Zayn shrugged and took a sip of his drink. "The fuck she is. Shes a total bad ass and I demand you agree with me" Harry yelled and I put and hand on his shoulder. "Calm down" I laughed as the people in Subway looked at us. "So you agree with me?" He asked. "No way 2nd one is the best" I nodded and Liam pointed at him. "Ha!! I told you!" Liam smacked the table.

"I gotta pee let me up" I told Harry. He scooted out and I walked to the bathroom. I stepped and shook my head. I did my business and walked back out. "Y/n! Get down!!" I heard Liam yell and I ducked. I heard a gun shot and looked over at the boys. They all had there guns out pointed at a couple of other guys. "Fuck" i breathed out and stood back up. I walked back over to them and stood beside Zayn. I looked around and saw the employees on the ground and some other the other customers. "Told you it was her" i heard one of the guys say.

"What?" I asked and they looked scared shitless of them. "We want the girl." The blonde one spoke up and I laughed. "For what?" I smiled and they all looked at me weird. "Your father. We owe him a dept and I bet if we bring you to him our dept will be paid." Said another one and I shook my head. "You wanna get away from these yahoos dont you?" He asked a bit quieter and looked directly at me.

Zayn grabbed me and held one of my arms as Harry held the other. "What the fuck" I struggled and the other guys tensed up. Harry had his gun to my head and they each stepped on one of my feet so I couldnt move. I decided not to speak at this moment in time just to see how it would play out. "Maybe that's what were doing?" Harry told them and I again tried to pull away from him. "Nah. Your apart of Sam's gang." They shook there heads and I sighed.

"He doesnt-" I was interrupted by Zayn smacking the back of my head. "5 against 3. Doesnt look like the universe is in your favor." Louis spoke up and glanced over at me. "Just lay down your weapons. And we might let you live" Niall added and I looked at them. They started to lower there weapons and I went limp.

Zayn and Harry stumbled and I turned to kick Zayn and I grabbed Harry's gun. I heard 3 gun shots before I aimed and shot two of the guys. I heard screams and handed Harry back his gun.

"Y/n!" Liam yelled as I started to walk out. "Oh that's right the others" I laughed and turned around. "No!" Liam yelled and held my shoulders. "What the hell was that!!" He yelled and I heard screams and sirens down the road. "They were never gonna stop looking for me. And I know you weren't just gonna let them go" I shrugged. "Yea but what about the others!! Did you ever stop to think about that!!" He yelled and shook me.

I heard a few screams and then gunshots. "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" I told him and the sirens were getting closer. "Shit" he shook his head. Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Louis came running out and got in the cars. Liam pushed me to the passenger side and he got in to drive. We all sped out of there and we got back on the high way.

It was quiet.

Liams phone rang and he answered it. "Nothing. Just a problem but we took care of it" Liam glanced over at me "yea. Yes" he spoke quietly. "Were gonna stop for the night. Were almost there" he spoke again and then he hung up.

"Y/n" Liam sighed. "You cant just kill-" "I thought that's what you wanted?" I cut him off. "We could have handled that differently" he looked at me and I shook my head. "I dont think so. But please if you think it would have played out any different tell me and I'll apologize" I looked at him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. "That's what I thought" I sighed.

"And fucking Zayn and Harry. What the fuck was that" I exploded and he shrugged. "Zayn thought that's what was best. Right now your still the daughter of the most powerful man in the world. Sometimes were gonna have to use that as an advantage" he shrugged and my mouth hung open. "Your kidding right?" I asked shocked and he shook his head. I crossed my arms and looked out the window.

We pulled in to a small town a few hours from the other one and Liam went in to get a motel room. We all walked in and I laid on the floor. I closed my eyes as they did what ever they needed to do. "Y/n?" I heard a voice call me and I opened one eye to see them all sitting on the beds and I looked at them. "Yeah?" I asked and they looked worried. "Are you ok?" Louis asked me and I looked my my skin and felt my chest and legs. "Yea. I dont think I got hit" I shrugged.

"No, like mentally?" Niall laughed and I gaped at him. "Asshole" I flipped him off. "Seriously though. Are you ok?" Zayn asked me seriously. "I'm tired but yea" I nodded and they did too. I closed my eyes and the lights were turned off.

"Come sleep on the bed" I heard Liam voice and I stood up and laid on the end with my arm and leg hanging off. "Night" I told them. "Night" they all replied back and I drifted to sleep.

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