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I sat on the couch and Zayn came down. "Are you good?" He asked and stood in front of me. I crossed my arms and nodded my head. The rest of then came down and we left.

Zayn made me ride with him and he tried to talk to me. "Why were you laying in the shower?" He asked me as we drove. I shrugged and looked out the window. "I know it's hard" he whispered and I closed my eyes not wanting to cry. "We all had to go through this shit and it sucks. I'll always be here if you need to talk" he told me and I nodded but didnt look at him.

We pulled up the big house that I had been at once before. I got out of the car and waited on the boys to get out. They all stood around Zayn and talked for a minute before coming over to me. We walked in and I stood behind Liam until we were in Sam's office. I stood at the end of the line with Harry next to me. "Boys" he smiled and looked over at me. "And
Y/n" he nodded in my direction.

"What's the mission?" Liam asked and stepped forward. Sam handed him a folder while still looking at me "His name is Miller." Sam broke eye contact with me and looked at Liam. He flipped through the papers and Sam smiled. "I need you to kill him" Sam stated blankly and leanded back in his chair. "What?" I asked shocked and Harry hit me.

All the eyes were on me, and my mouth was open. "I need you to kill him" Sam repeated. "What did he do? Dont we need some-" Harry hit me again and I kept my mouth shut. Sam's smile was still plastered on his face as he glanced over at the other boys. Sam told us we could go but he needed to talk to Liam. Harry grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

The doors were shut and they all looked at me. "What the fuck" I whispered and pointed to the closed doors. "What?" Niall asked and I was shocked. "You're just going to kill a man because he told you to?" I said a little louder and I was shhed by Louis. I pinched the bridge of my nose and they were all confused. "Yea it's called being loyal" Zayn told me. "Something you wouldn't know about" Harry said under his breath. "Watch it Harry" I warned and flipped him off.

He took a step away from me and I was still shocked. "Come on lads" Liam came out and shut the doors. I walked behind Liam and started to yell. "Why are we going to kill some one??" No one said anything. "Liam we cant just kill some one" I yelled again as we walked. We stopped and turned toward me.

He pushed me up aginst the wall and looked at me. "Yes were going to kill someone. No I dont know why were going to. We were told to do it and now that's what were gonna do. No questions and no speaking out and never in front of Sam. He is trying to find a reason to kill you, dont give him one." Liam whispered harshly and all the air in my lungs seemed to escape me.

He backed up and took a step before turning back around. "And stop yelling" he pointed at me and I walked behind them. Fine. If they want me to be a savage and a good little killing machine that was exactly what I was going to be. We got to the cars and Liam made me ride with him. "I'm sorry for snapping" he breathed out and I shrugged.

"Y/n" he spoke again and I looked over at him. "Talk to me" he demanded and I raised an eye brow. "Y/n you cant just be quiet all the time" he told me and I shrugged. "Y/n" he said in a harsher tone. "Fine. You were right. I need to fit in. I cant get killed or else all of the will have been for nothing." I nodded and he smiled. "Good. Thank you" he nodded and kept driving.

"Look at this for me" he tossed me the folder. I opened it and it had a few papers in it. It had a picture of a man with a brown comb over and glasses. Blue eyes and a mustache. I looked over and saw his name was Miller White. He was 33 years old with an ex-wife and 2 kids. Had a job and lived in Pontiac Illinois. "Is this the guy?" I asked and Liam nodded.

"We have to drive all the way to Illinois?" I groaned and he nodded slowly. "That's the only part I hate" he said quietly. I hummed in response and kept looking at the papers. Some were legal documents and some other papers I didnt know about. "What has he done to deserve this? He looks like a pretty ok guy" I told Liam and put the papers back. "Says he killed 3 of our men and is housing 2 of a rival gangs men" Liam told me and I nodded.

"So were just gonna kill him?" I shrugged and he shook his head. "Of course not. Were gonna lure him out and then kill him. Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of carpet.?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head and looked back out the window. It was around 10 in the morning and we had a bunch of driving to do. Liam and I mostly sat in silence. "I gotta pee. And I'm pretty hungry" Liam told me and handed me his phone.

"Text Zayn and Niall. Tell them were gonna get something to eat and to follow me" Liam pointed at his phone. I texted them and we pulled off the high way and went to Subway.

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