Chapter 5

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After hours of talking to Jack, and getting o. His nerves, you now sat in fear of Jack, since he made gross and horrid joke. Your attention was soon drawn away by the sound of shoes, followed along by a guard, "Mrs, its time to leave." The gard said bitterly, to which you scattered to your feet and looked at Jack, "U-Uh... I'll see you tomorrow OK?" You stuttered over your words as you looked away and to the ground. Jack never respond, just stared at you before he sighed, "Are you sure I will? I seemed to scare you terribly." He smirked darkly as he let out a low laugh.

You rolled your eyes, just thinking this was an attempt for him to scare you again. You turned on your heals and headed out the door and down the hall, not caring you left the door open. You sighed since you were to head home, to that hell hole. You decided to walk home since, it wasn't too late this time.

As you left the huge prison and started to walk home, passing the bus stop on the way. You felt like you were being watched. You kept looking around you every which way, to which you soon shook your head and looked in front of you, thinking you were insane.

After moments of walking, you swore you heard something behind you, to which you turned to look, not realizing you were about to run into someone. You hit something hard and kinda soft, and fell onto the unknown source. You sat up and your face flushed with embarrassment as you quickly got up and held your hand out to the person, "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I should have watched..." You trailed off, apologizing many times, to which the person laughed and took your hand and got up.

"Its alright hun." A soft female voice said as you looked at the person. The girl, a few inches shorter than you stood in front of you. She had bright white wavy hair. Her face was slim and somewhat rounded. Her arched eyebrows were thin and barley noticable. Her wide, round, hooded eyes were a bright blue. Her nose was slim and rounded, perfectly sitting between her eyes. Her lips were plump pink. Even though the girl wore a hoodie, with the hood up; you could see her curves faintly of her upper body. As for the girl's lower body, she had no thigh gap, and wore blue denim shorts with fish net stocking and some black boots.

"U-uh, I am really sorry I should have watched where I was going-" You said, trying to apologize more to which the girl laughed and smiled as she looked at you, "Hey, hey, its OK. I'm Lilithen, or Lilith for short. What's your name?" Lilith asked as she tilted her head and looked at you. "O-Oh I'm (Y/n)." You responded as you looked away avoiding eye contact. "(L/n), right?" Lilith said as she smirked. "How did-" You started to ask. "I sit behind you 3, 5 and 8th period." Lilith said, soon laughing at your shocked expression. "Oh, I'm sorry." You said and then bit the inside of your cheek. "Its fine. No one notices me out of school, since I wear a wig and contacts every day." Lilith said and soon hummed out moment later, "Where ya heading?" "Home." You responded and looked at her. "May I walk with you?" She asked as she raised a brow. "Sure." You shrugged and walked past her and started walking home again.

Lilith walked beside you talking your ear off, it wasn't bad since, you never really had anyone to talk to, nor listen to besides Jack. "Oh my god, hold on i gotta take this." Lilith said after a moment. You looked at her to see her pull out a phone and swipe on the screen before holding it to her ear. "Hello? Yeah. No, fuck no. Bitch try me. Ya nasty." She frowned as she continued to talk on the phone and walk besides you.

What seemed like forever Lilith finally hung up and and looked at you, "That was my friend, Ben. He's and u asshole." Lilith warmly smiled at you. You blinded, not expecting her to tell you. "Oh, uh." You mumbled and Lilith laughed as her smile widened, "What? My friends are your friends. I promise. Maybe tomorrow you can meet them." Lilith said happily. Your heart fell, making you feel overwhelmed, before something triggered in your mind. "O-oh no I can't..." You said as you looked away from Lilith. "Of course you can! We are friends they wont hurt you, I'll make sure of that." Lilith said as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder and giggled. "Come on you gotta meet them, you always seem lonely so, making friends would be great!" Lilith cheered on.

Part of you was thinking of all the bad that could happen, let alone, Lilith never seemed to have friends. You could recall her I class, if its the right girl you are thinking of; she always worked alone, always. Lilith never spoke, never raised her hand, hell, the most you could recall is her sleeping, ALL THE TIME.

"Well what do you say?" Lilith asked, drawing you from your thoughts. "Oh... Uh, sure. Why not." You mumbled as Lilith cheered and pulled away. "This will be fun! See if you can stay the night as well, I can get us to school and back." "oh I can stay the night, but I might not tomorrow since-" "Pft, what ya scared the boogie man will get you?" Lilith teased as she smiled, "I have a dog as well, you'll be fine."

Before you knew it you stood in front of your house. You sighed as you stared at the house with paint chips and ivy crawling up the sides. "Is this your house?" Lilith asked as she looked at the place. "Yeah." You sighed out before walking up to the door. "Well I'll pick you up about... 5-6 OK? Bye!" Lilith said as she ran off rather quickly. You sighed and shook your head as you walked into hell.

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