Chapter 31

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After Ben had said there might be a change of plans, he never explained what. It had been a few hours since then and you three had checked out the apartment, and bought it. As of the moment, you three were at the old place, or what will be old and the two of them were packing, as for you, you were already done.

"So we gonna call a cab?" You questioned as you watched the two of them rush in and out ever so often with boxes labeled Jeff's room or Ben's.

You hadn't gotten and answer and sighed, soon hearing a phone go off and followed by Jeff walking out to you and held out his phone, which you took and watched Jeff storm off once more.

You raised the phone up to your ear and hummed happily, "Hello?"

"Guess who?" The familiar voice rang, no doubt Jack.

"The pizza guy?" You laughed softly as you heard a sigh from Jack.

"Nice one baby, how's it going there?" Jack soon chuckled out.

"The normal... How about you?" You hummed out, watching Ben walk into the room placing his final box on his stack and walked over and sat besides you on the couch they were going to leave behind.

"Same, I guess. I've been thinking about you a lot sweetie. Your beautiful face... Your soft lips..." Jack's voice grew faintly lustful as he spoke out the last part but quickly he changes subjects, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing-" you started but Ben chimed in, "Is that Jack? Hi Jack!" Ben yelled in your ear, trying to be loud enough for the phone to pick up.

"Tell Ben I said hi." Jack laughed as you heard a thud on his end.

"Jack said hi." You hummed to Ben who smiled and looked away to the window of the apartment.

"Also, what was that thud?" You questioned Jack to which he laughed.

"I fell on my ass, not wanting to bend down to sit as I talk." Jacks voice grew soft and loving.

You hummed happily as you closed your eyes, "I want a kiss."

"I do too babygirl, I do too." Jack soon sighed sadly, "I just... I wish I had met you while I wasn't in this predicament so I can give you an actual loving boyfriend who isn't sitting in jail."

"Jack-" You started to which Jack just cut you off, not daring to let you have a say, "(Y/n), no. You never once had a boyfriend or someone who cares and then when you do, where are they? In jail. I can't protect you like I need to, not want to. I can't hold you when you get scared, I can't have you cling to me when you don't like someone. I can't be there to save you."

"Jack... Baby..." You sighed softly, hearing Jack's voice full of sorrow as he spoke once more, "I'm sorry."

"Jack, don't be. When you are out you can be with me all you want, do whatever you want. I'll be here." You hummed softly as you tilted your head, closing your eyes.

"I better be able to do whatever I want." Jack laughed softly, soon sighing after. You could still hear his sorrow as he spoke, "I need you... When can you see me?"

"I don't know. I'll ask." You turned to Ben who you knew was listening in. Ben just shrugged and looked at the time.

"Uh... Around.. 4. It will give you a good minute, at least 2 hours." Ben hummed.

"Around 4." You told Jack who sighed sadly.

"That's gonna be so short." Jack said which made you laugh, "What? Two hours is short?" You snorted.

"Yeah. Id prefer the 4 hours we would hang out."

"I know Jack." You sighed.

"Hey baby, I gotta go. I love you, please be safe OK?" Jack said as you heard some man telling Jack to hurry up.

"OK baby, I love you too. Please call when you can. I miss your voice." You said as you heard Jack tell you he loved you once more before he hung up.

You stared at the black phone screen once you pulled it away from your ear. You heart felt heavy as you started to think quickly about any and all plans to get him out. You knew he hated it and you couldn't stand to hear him sad.

"Ben... What's the plan?" You quickly questioned and turned to Ben who blinked.

"Well, we planned a fire alarm riot. More or less you pull the fire alarm and then get Jack to start a riot and then from there, escape since I can hack the gates and open them." Ben hummed.

"Or... Trigger the fire alarm from here and open the gates, where would they want to run? To the gates. Also lock down all guard towers when you know its night so there is only one person per guard tower. Unless that one movie I saw was incorrect on the guards..." You said and looked away, thinking about a better solution.

"Actually..." Ben said as he got up and walked over to his boxed stuff and grabbed out his computer from the mess of things.

Ben walked back over and sat down, he opened his laptop and powered it on, soon after powering up a bunch of things and started to type away.

"I... I can do that too... It would be easier to get him but if we can get him to have a few buddies between the gates, just in case, he can slip out home free. I can lock out all guards from their gun cases and have it as a technical problem and not have them there till tomorrow... So even with the guards at night who only have a sniper get trapped in... It would be smart." Ben went on a whole rant over the plan so quickly, it made no sense.

"What?" You asked to which Ben sighed.

"OK so... If I can trade the guards during the tower switch and trap them in the gun room, there won't be any shots fired, copy?" Ben said and looked at to which you nodded.

"Even if one or two have guns, Jack can block himself with other people and if everyone thinks its an actual fire, everyone will be crazy. So... If I can somehow tell Jack now, we could start the plan today."

"Then call him and tell him." You sighed out to which Ben nodded and set his laptop aside and went to go get something now.

You sighed and looked to the computed which showed the cameras of the jail as well as guard shifts.

You hummed content as you looked at the screen, noticing a familiar face came into view. You smiled softly as you watched Jack go to some table and sit down, starting to chat away. Soon will you see him again... Soon will he be here.

Sorry I am a "little" late... But... I AM BACK!!! I am better! Expect weekly updates again! Thank you all for the support!!!!

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