Friends? Chapt 36

687 23 12

•Deadpool/Wade's pov•

I pulled out my gun just an average pistol usually it scares people off especially highschoolers, but strangely it doesn't seem to affect him.

"Why is it that you aren't afraid of this gun?" I question him,

"Guns don't scare me, people do." He remarked which made me feel slightly uneasy, who does this boy think he is?

"Very wise choice of words Pete.."

He clenched his hand into a tight fist, "It's Peter, and I should head to school now."

"Not until Spiderman gets here.." He rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"He isn't going to come." He says when he said that it's almost like he's telling the truth..

I crossed my arms over my chest gun still in my hand but it isn't aimed directly at him.

"How do you know?" I question him curiously,

"Because, I'm sure he's busy doing other activities." He says, now I just feel like he's messing with me.

Busy with what? He could be busy with many things doing work with his hands.

Ok what am I even saying? I have a dead girlfriend who I really love and I'm talking dirty about Spiderman.

I mean it's not cheating right?

She's dead he's alive there's a big difference within that, I found this actually hysterical.

I just started laughing wheezing in the middle of each breath I take, I laughed so hard to the point I'm on the ground rolling, I could tell this kid is looking at me strangely but who cares..

After a minute later I recollected myself and stood up under this mask I'm definitely tearing up.

But woah wait..

The boy is gone he escaped while I was laughing even managing to take his bag with him.

I gasped almost sounding a bit too dramatic, my hands came up to where my mouth is as I looked around for him.

Still I don't see him,

"Well looks like the baby went off to school, guess I'll have to pick him up after." I said to myself as my hands went to both sides of my waistline.


And so I did I waited until the clock hit on the number 2 I just sat on the edge of the building looking down to see if I could find him.

My legs swayed foreword and backwards as I admire the people below me many gave me strange looks while I just wave at them.

15 minutes later I started becoming bored, the kid had left behind one of his journals with a pencil inside so I took it and started drawing myself in it and the boy.

Speaking of him, I looked away from the journal I let the pencil drop on the side of the paper as I looked to my side.

"Well I'd be damned." Its Spiderman himself I stood up the journal fell down to the ground somewhere probably hitting somebody oh well.

I walked my way towards him I find it very odd that he's in a combat stance.

Maybe he just wants a hug, I stopped at just his feet both face to face with each other.

I pulled him into a embrace beginning to rub at his back but he immediately pushes me away from him.

Wow he's actually stronger than he looks,

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