Chapter -- child past

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The beginning of the beginning.
Reader p.o.v

You've always been a explorer. That kinda was your thing. The adventure. The freedom. Sadly there weren't as many as you saw on tv. Television was lying to you. But currently, you were walking on a tree that was laying flat on the ground. It probably had fallen over because of an storm. You were with your head in the clouds. And that's how you fell. "Oops" you said getting back up. You sighed and laughed and dusted off your clothes. You loot down at the small watch on your left wrist. It was time to go back home. One of the rules was not to stay outside when it was getting dark. A good rule. But they didn't care if you came home an hour later.

When you walked back home and opened the door. Your foster parents were laughing. You looked at the television. Some funny program was on. You were still standing in the doorway. Closing the door behind you. And walking upstairs not interested in them. Then you walked to the bathroom to clean yourself and flop yourself in bed. Staring at the celling before slowly falling asleep.

*3 am on the clock*

*Bam boof chlather sounds here*

You shrieked/shot awake as you heard something coming out of the woods. You automatically went downstairs, to the front door, on the sidewalk and before you knew it you were in front of the forest. It was like you were being controlled. Or like a puppet getting moved.

You walked deeper into the woods. Mechanical sound echoing around the forest. And that was the moment it began. That's where you saw robots fighting. There was an red/blue robot fighting purple robots. The blue and red robot was taller and looked as a he. I mean male. You hid behind the tree. Starring at the fight. They were shooting at eachother. The big robot start slashing the purple ones. Not even close with their fighting skills.

An weird cube or something was laying on the ground. In front of you, so you picked it up. You never had seen such weird thing before. Suddenly it had a burning feeling. Lighting up, making you close your eyes. A strange feeling in your chest right after it. And when you looked again the cube was gone. Your focus went back to the fighting robots. What an amazing dream you thought. An purple one accidentally shoot right at you. It missed because the giant red/blue robot pushed the purple robot away. Your eyes felt weak and you didn't know why. But you were sleepy. You closed your eyes for a second. The fight ended as the last purple robot fell down.

What did that cube do to you?

And when you opened your eyes the big red blue robot was standing in front of you. You looked at the details of it. Now confirmed he was male. His face, you never saw a face like that. He had blue eyes that had a nice and warm feeling. You could see he was speaking to you but somehow you couldn't hear him. Suddenly you fell down. He catched you and you could hear him say:
"Y/n, protect the cube for me"
Well this is just the beginning. And remember you were a child in this chapter. This is a past chapter
Word count 574

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