XX | Gullible

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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

-Maya Angelou


Today was the big day, the day North Coast and East Coast's football match would take place in our school's football field. I could already see how anxious everyone was, a lot of people were already wearing our school sweaters and shirts, heck, even some people painted their faces blue and gold, the colors that represented our school.

"Woohoo, let's go Lions!" Ocean basically screamed in the hallway. People cheered in response. Everyone was so pumped and the atmosphere was great. Ocean was wearing her cheerleading outfit and had the schools colors on a bow in her hair.

She rushed over to me since I was getting stuff from my locker, "ugh, I'm so excited, finally get to kick East Coast in their asses," she yelled as she finally reached me. I chuckled at her comment and got my Economics notes out, it was the fourth period of the day.

I was so nervous for Reece, I haven't seen him all throughout today, he couldn't pick me up for school and he wasn't in biology class. Even Mr Simon was worried and we all know how much he despises Reece.

"Tell me about it, we have been fighting with them for more than twenty-two years," I stated as we made our way to our economics class that I shared with Ocean, Ronnie and Zoey.

She sighed, "I know, it's annoying, because sometimes they win and sometimes we do, but I heard this year, a huge bet is going down on whoever wins," she said.

I looked at her with confusion. "A bet?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yup, I heard the losing team has to clean the winning teams uniform for a whole month," she laughed, my face twisted in disgust.

"That's just awful," I replied as we entered our class. Zoey and Ronnie were already there, talking amongst themselves, ever since we got close with Ocean and Zoey, they have been sitting down with us in all our classes that we shared with them.

"Hello," Ocean greeted sitting down next to Ronnie whilst I sat down next to Zoey.

"Wow, someone got into the school spirit," I smirked at Zoey who wore the school's sweater. Her bow represented the same one Ocean had and she had a heart painted on her cheeks in blue and gold.

"Me and the debate team are going all out for this event, plus, as the class president, I just have to support this," she said and I smiled.

"So, have you seen Reece yet?" Ronnie asked.

I sighed, "No."

"Maybe he's in the field practicing, he is the football team captain and quarterback, after all, I'm sure the pressure is all on him," Ocean suggested, applying her lip gloss.

Ronnie and Zoey nodded, I bit my lip. "Should I go see if he's there? " I asked. I was really desperate to see him.

They all shook their heads, no. "Um, sis no, he doesn't need a distraction. He needs to get his head in the game and yes, I just quoted High School Musical, bite me," Ronnie said, we all laughed until our teacher scowled at us, telling us to be quiet and that we should start doing the work she had given us, we were still slightly giggling but started to do our work.

 He needs to get his head in the game and yes, I just quoted High School Musical, bite me," Ronnie said, we all laughed until our teacher scowled at us, telling us to be quiet and that we should start doing the work she had given us, we were still...

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