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Play the song you cowards

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Play the song you cowards


No one told me that our masquerade theme would have a creepy undertone. At least that's what the rumors told me.

Suddenly, when we felt the ground shake people began to yell in excitement. The reunion had begun. Tons of people crowd onto the dock that connects to the center planet. The process only takes about 40 minutes which is very quick considering how far we are. The sunny day that I'm so used to begins to appear as a purple dreamy day. I put on my mask as I begin to see a hazy yellow fog.

Everyone now was connected and people from Frigus started to come in as well. After 10 minutes you could only tell where somome came from if you paid attention to thier hair color.

And so they danced. Hiding behind a mask to cover up the true monster beneath. Only for a week of course. After that, the mask comes off and the true face appears once again.

All their bodies moved in sinc similar to gears inside a clock. Somehow everyone knew where to go. Joyfull laughter and shouts filled the air as they danced with glee. Without a care in the world. New flowers appear but will unfortunately wither after a week.

Despite the switch in partner's no one seemed phased by the new change. Even if 3 new couples joined in on the fun, it seemed like they were all being controlled by a string. But no one minds. No one ever has.


"Hey man, don't know who you are but get out there! You look bored ."

Ah yes, no one truly knows me as of now. Hm, now they talk to me. None the less I suppose he's right. I should join in. Looking around I find somone who seems as longing as I do. I find a hair of a warm orange.
'Reminds me of the sky in Caldium'
Calmly I approach and extend my hand out to them. No words were said during the exchange. Just a smile.

And so they danced.

Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now