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The traffic was terrible and mark was screaming at anything possible. Natrually, donghyuck slouched down into his seat and acted like he didn't know mark at all. A random guy cut off mark making the older yell at him in a language donghyuck didn't understand. After 10 minutes,(that felt like 4 hours) the car was finally on the road again. The younger was still shaken by mark's road rage. However, mark seemed unfazed by his actions and was swaying his head to the music playing. They drove through a road full of fancy resturants and stores, hyuck looked at all of them as they zoomed by.

"So where exactly are we going?"
"You'll see"

The red head hated mark's sing song voice. He just wanted to know! It wouldn't kill mark if he told him. Unless at that exact moment he was shot-

Finally, mark stopped the car in a random parking structure. Donghyuck almost fell getting out of the car.
"I haven't walked in 10 years."
The raven haired boy perked up an eyebrow and chuckled at him, grabbing his hand and leading him down the street. At this point, donghyuck felt nervous. For mark, not himself. People here had such vibrant colors of hair so it looked like hyuck fit in perfectly. Mark however, looked out of place. Weird.  They stopped at a large stoplight where tons of people were waiting to cross. Mark pointed up ahead even though he couldn't see because of all the people.

"We are going to the beach yes, but! There's this really cool pier right next to it and it has a bunch of cool stuff so...I wanted to show you."
Was it to early for donghyuck to say that he was whipped? Probably. Mark just looked really cute ok?

The crosswalk finally allowed them to pass so the duo ran. Donghyuck felt as if there were thousands of people passing him. But in reality, it was more around 70+ people moving around. He felt mesmerized. The warmth the sun provided reminded him of blankets back at home yet, the cool and salty breeze from the sea made him more excited. Mark led him down the pier and more and more shops became present. He thought all the gift shops were cute, they were filled with small sea shelled themed gifts. But what surprised him the most was that there was a bunch of carnival rides on the pier. A roller coaster ride and even a ferris wheel that hit too close to the sea.

Mark turned around to face donghyuck who looked like a 7 year old in a candy shop. Sure , mark had been here a few times. He knew this place pretty well. He knew all the perfect sights to see. He knew where the sun hit the most, and where it hit the least. What he didn't know however, was how beautiful donghyuck could look as the sunlight hit his face, making it look like he was glowing. Or even how the mesmerized and curious look in the youngers eyes could make mark forget everything.

Maybe, just maybe, the view to mark was no longer the beach. But the boy in front of him.


Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now