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Now sitting on a crater, mark looked up at the shining stars. He was overjoyed. The way they sparkled hypnotized him. He reached out as if he could touch them but of course he wouldn't be able to. The younger giggled as he watched mark.

"Look! A shooting star ! Make a wish!"

They both closed their eyes and stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"What did you wish for?"
"Well if I told you it wouldn't come true."

They continued to mess around on the moon. Running around and doing flips and jumps as they went. Laughter and smiles found common ground between the two. Eventually, they got tired and layed down. Frowning, donghyuck propped himself up on his elbows.

"What happens at the end of the week?"

A once giddy air was now replaced with wonder.

"We seperate."

Oddly enough, hearing mark say such words made donghyuck upset. He didn't think it was possible to become so attached to somone so quickly, but he was proved wrong. He thought about it for a second but an answer still wouldn't form.
The older noticed the frown on donghyuck's face.

"Let's take photos and Polaroid pictures."
"Pictures. That way we can always go back to the memories we made."

A bitter taste lingered in donghyuck's mouth but he ignored it.


The next 3 hours were spent taking photos together or of the sky. Even awkward photo shoots of each other.
Numbers were exchanged and photos were sent.

"You know, we can always text,call, or facetime."
"I guess but..our time zones."
"Stupid time zones mess up everything."

The boys finally left the moon. It seemed as if mark was in a rush.
"Got a polariod camera?"
"Of course."
"Well let's go somewhere"
"I'm not the one who lives here,"
"Oh shut it."


Whoop whoop I failed my science test

Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now