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Donghyuck walked quicker than usual, the worry that he had no idea where he was heading was at the top of his mind as of now. He arrived at the main square where many people had already begun to dance. Somehow, he managed to escape the influx of people as he arrived at his "destination,"  a tree. a few of the flowers had fallen onto the ground coating it with a purple film. Donghyuck was annoyed, why did mark have to make things so difficult? They had a house to move into! The younger stood still with his feet planted into the ground. He began to laugh to himself about his parents' reactions when he told them the news.  His mother gave him a knowing look while his father demanded a full powerpoint presentation on who, "This Mark lee is and why he's trying to steal you away." He still ended up packing his bags, not that he had much anyway. The boy ended up daydreaming about the house. Mark had shown him pictures of the house but it just wasn't the same. 

"Hey man, you should get out there! You look bored." 

Donghyuck turned around so quickly he was sure he had snapped a nerve in half. 

"Is that really how you greeted me the first time you saw me?" donghyuck wondered as he gave mark a displeased look. 

"It was something like that. But hey! You still spoke to me-"

"I'm not sure why..maybe I should've run away while I had the chance."

mark pretended to look hurt. He was about to say something else when he pointed at donghyuck.

"Your hair!" He shouted out. Normally, people would have stared at mark like he was some type of alien but they were too busy. 

"Uhh yeah? Is it bad?" 

"What? Not at all. You look like a poodle." mark panics. 

Mark looks at the sunflower tattooed onto the youngers shoulder, he doesn't say anything but donghyuck cam feel his eyes burning into the same spot.  Mark regains focus before clapping his hands together furiously.

"We need you to move in!"

Donghyuck groaned.  


Truth be told, mark did all the work. Donghyuck simply told him where to place each item. Don't get the wrong idea though, mark wouldn't let the boy touch a single thing. Donghyuck wandered around the house, checking each room out. Most of them were empty. He wondered how mark got all his stuff here already. Mark simply explained his parents had hired a "move-in" service. Mark didn't seem bothered by the fact that his family kicked him out immediately. 

"Can we go to the beach?" donghyuck asked suddenly. 

Mark froze in place. Donghyuck didn't question his behavior. The older boy looked like he was having a battle with himself. After he finished weighing the pros and cons, mark responded with a simple, "yeah." 

He locked the door quickly making a mental note to make another copy for hyuck. They walked to the beach hand in hand. Donghyuck didn't bat an eye as he grabbed the others hand. Mark, however, seemed to go into overdrive. Donghyuck would ask him about his behavior later. 

They made it to the dock rather quickly and the heat immediately hugged donghyuck. The sun wasn't forgiving but at least the salty clear waters could help combat that. Mark was standing on the shoreline letting himself fall deeper into the sand. Donghyuck had a brilliant idea! The brown-haired boy managed to free mark from his sand prison as he lifted him. Mark kept yelling out strings of "no, no, no, no" or " donghyuck no" but of course the latter could care less. Mark eventually gave up and accepted his fate with the ocean. 

They continued to battle and eventually, they became tired of the water and treaded back home. 

Their home.  


Haha I'm a horrible author!! This book will be ending soon oop😳

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