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Donghyuck woke up the next morning feeling better than he has ever before. He found a note on his nightstand that read, "out running some errands! don't die while I'm gone. Oh, also there's food in the fridge." Donghyuck pondered for a moment, what exactly did mark have to do so early in the morning. It turns out it was 2 p.m. but that wasn't the point. The boy pondered for a moment before deciding to look around his neighborhood. Donghyuck thought it was a fancy community since there was a gate protecting them. The gate looked ugly and out of place to him but at least they were protected. Each house had a certain look and shape which confused donghyuck slightly.  Then again, he preferred the diversity than the usual cookie-cutter look that other communities had. He had walked around quite a bit and he somehow discovered a park. Naturally, he ran straight toward the swings. He took a photo of the park before sending it to mark with the text saying, "We should come here!" It took donghyuck a bit longer to get home since he had gotten lost a few times. Thank goodness Google maps saved him. When he unlocked the door, mark was sitting on the couch, his leg bouncing up and down. Donghyuck wanted to ask him about his whereabouts but decided against it. He would ask later. Right now, he needed a shower. Donghyuck finished the shower a bit later and came downstairs to see mark still watching the tv. 

"Hey, are you ok? You've been kinda off today and yesterday. What's up?" Donghyuck finally asks, confronting mark. 

Mark just stared back at him with a surprised expression. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he stood up. 

"Let me show you," Mark replies rather quickly as he grabs Donghyuck's hand. 

The duo walks down to the garage and donghyuck is beyond confused. Mark whispers a small "sorry" before putting a blindfold on the other. 

"Mark. Take this off me or I'll scream that I'm being kidnapped."

"You live with me!"

"That changes nothing! What's this even for?"

"Please just keep it on hyuck."  Mark seems so desperate that donghyuck decides to listen. 



Donghyuck has no idea why mark decided to use his bike. He has plenty of cars that would go much faster anyway! He could only tell that they were in Caldium due to the sudden warmth he felt. Mark also seemed to be struggling as the bike ride became progressively slower. 

"Ok we're here, take my hand." Mark sounds out of breath and donghyuck snorts. 

He can hear that they were walking through a field. 

"Alright, let me remove that." Mark sounds nervous and his hands are shaking as he struggles to remove the blindfold. 

Donghyuck takes a moment for his eye's to adjust. He realises that mark had taken them to the tree where they spoke for hours. The sunset looks beautiful as always and the view is wonderful. You could see the city and ocean from here. There are fairy lights wrapped around the tree and small lanterns dangle down from the branches. A picnic blanket is placed by the trunk of the tree and there's a guitar.

"Mark, what is this?" Donghyuck is even more confused now.

Mark is playing with his hands before guiding hyuck to the blanket and picking up his guitar.

"Just..sit and Listen please." And mark begins to strum his guitar.

(Im so sorry Dean for using ur song and i also apologise for my lame lyrics ok. Im not a songwriter for a reason)

"Latley I feel like I'm insane.
My heart seems out of my control
And it got me wondering..
What could have caused this?

My days were spent thinking hard. About the reason I was so out of control
But then I came to a conclusion,
And it was all..because of you.

Do you know how crazy you have me?
And it's all because of your warm smile,
Your scrunched up nose when you laugh,
It all drives me crazy.
Or even..your pouty lips at times
Everything about you is so cute to me.
I'm not sure what to do with myself anymore, everything about you drives me mad.

Oh, listen to me now
Do you get it now?
All these feelings piled up.
I don't know what to do with myself anymore

So I sat up in my room writing ball these lyrics for you
Endless nights used up cause' I wanted to make it just right for you.
Everything you do is so cute to me.
I hope you can understand now.
These feelings may be new, but they sure are no mistake.
I hope you feel the same way
I hope you think about my feelings for you,
Because I thought about mine a lot

When you say.. When you say.. When you say my name
A thousand butterflies appear

The way, the way, you look so happy to see me
Makes me feel so reassured

Everything you..do is.. So adoring to me

I don't think I wanna share your warmth,
So just share it with me instead.

I hope you realise my intentions

My feelings for you are true.
Hope this lets you ..see me truly

My whole face feels likes its on fire
My whole body is racing
My sunflower,
My sunflower,
My sunflower,
My sunflower ooh-

Everything you do is endearing to me and it's driving me crazy"


Ew I've worked on these lyrics for a while and I hate them i-
I'm so sorry Dean😔
And mark since I did u dirty with this song-

Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now