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Stop hurting me Jungkook!

You walked up the street, in the darkness...alone.

"Why me?!" You screamed, no one else would hear you so you screamed louder and louder.

"Please stop!" You cried more and more, you climbed up a tree to hide from anyone from the ground. When you reached the top, you found yourself a sturdy branch and sat upon it.

The time you had seemed like it was years. You thought about everything...everything you wanted and what you had.

"I can't ever be happy with you...maybe it's a sign." You sighed deeply and rested your head on the trunk. You sat for a while, slowly falling asleep, not remembering that it was dangerous because you were in a tree but you were tired so you didn't care.

"Y/N!" You heard someone call out. You imagined it to be your lucid dreams but the calling carried on.

"Y/N, please! I'm sorry, she came onto me!" You heard them yelling. You jerked up and looked down from the tree to see Jungkook pulling at his hair in frustration, shouting and calling around for you, crying.

You hated seeing him cry, but you had to deal with it. He kept searching for you, but little did he know that you were above him.

"Y/N!!!!" He fell onto his knees and put his hands into fists. You couldn't help but let a tear slip from your face and drop onto the leaves below. You decided to climb down slowly till he noticed you but when he noticed someone was up in the tree, he hurried off his knees and threatened to kill you if you were mugging him.

You reached the bottom and showed your reddened face and wet cheeks. He put down his fists and his face softened.


"Don't even talk to me, all you do is hurt me! I thought you were done bullying me! Obviously not!" You yelled and he winced. You've never seen him this scared of you, of anyone.

"Please, I didn't mean for you to see that! It wasn't what it looked li-"

"Don't give me that crap JEON JUNGKOOK! you've always bullied me and you never understand how I feel, I've taken you back twice now! Twice! I'm such an idiot!" You screamed and shouted, you couldn't help but cry harder.

"You're not the idiot, I am! I will always be the idiot because I hurt you!! I've always hurt you, I wish I never did but just let me explain!" He cried.

"No!" You cried back, he went to go and take your hand but you snatched it away before he got a grip. You marched off quickly while he was chasing after you. Your tears ran more quicker than ever, you started shaking, you just wanted this nightmare to end.

"Please, Y/N." His voice broke which made your heart weak. You turned around seeing him pinching himself and kicking himself.

"Jungkook, stop!" You ran over to him and pulled his hands away from his arm and forced him to look up at you.

"Don't hurt yourself because of me! I mean it, I don't want you hurting you self anymore!" You screamed at him and made sure you held onto his hands.

"Then.... don't leave me, please." He sunk down onto his knees and you went down with him. 

"Jungkook... I don't think it's going to work out for us... " you slowed your crying to sobbing, but his tears kept coming.

"No, it will end out for us! I promise, just give me one more chance, I promise!" He started trying to get his hands out of yours, which he succeeded with and managed to grip onto his arms again. Your tears flowing once again.

"Jungkook, No!" You shouted and tried to move his hands away. It was no use, so you had to take his promise. Not only because it was stop his actions to hurt you, but because you loved him still.

"Jungkook! Please don't do this, I love y-you!" Once those words came out of your mouth you fell weak.

"I-i-i love you too!" He said and kissed you. He kissed you with passion, he pulled you closer to him and pulled you onto his lap. You intertwined his fingers with yours and just sat there for a while kissing.


When you decided to go back to his place, you both were tired. His sister was still awake, rushing to the door when she heard it close, but she backed off when she was you two hand-in-hand.

"Jungko- oh. You're back with her." He facial expression told you that she didn't like the idea that you were back.

"Yeah and goodnight." Jungkook avoided eye contact with her and pulled you upstairs. You wished that she wasn't like that because she was really nice at first and now she's just like that.

You both entered Jungkooks room. It was quite big and his bed looked really comfortable, you could feel the mattress underneath you.

"Here." You turned to see Jungkook grabbing shorts and a vest. You put them on, they were quite big but you didn't care.

"You look so cute in those, you should wear my vests all the time." He laughed before snuggling into you.

"Lets get into bed before you get comfortable." You laughed, pushing him slightly away. He snuggled back into you so you laid down and he snuggled up to you again, digging his face into your neck.

The minute the light went out, you both fell asleep.

'Goodnight kookie'

[Yeet! That was fun! I have 4 new notifications you know, I'm buzzed to see what they are! I LOVE YOU ALL! ♡]

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