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It had been a few days and Jimin was at work while you were at home. Waiting for him to return.

You were sat with your puppy in your lap, stroking her fur and making her little tail wag.

"Hmm.. What do you think Jimin wants for dinner today? Should we ask?" You asked the puppy, knowing that you weren't going to get an answer but you still spoke.

"Maybe I'll ask him when he's on his break." You kissed your fluffy dogs ears and removed her from your lap, going upstairs into the bathroom.

When you came out you heard barking. The puppy hardly ever barked, it was only when you looked over at the door you saw a silhouette. She never normally barked at people at the door unless it was dangerous or something.

You decided to stay quiet when you heard knocks at the door. The puppy just carried on barking, gradually getting louder and louder and somehow, so was the knocking.

"Anyone in?!" You heard them shout. You stayed silent still but that didn't make them stop. No, this time, whoever they are, tried kicking down the door. Baring in mind that your door was pretty stable and hard to break. But as soon as you heard their foot against the door, that's when you panicked.

Without thinking, you ran down to grab the puppy and also grab your phone. You then rushed back upstairs and locked yourself in one of the guest rooms that were filled with boxes. The puppy had now stopped barking but was now growling and whining.

"Shhh." You stroked her ears and her fur until she stopped making noises altogether. All you could hear was her breathing and the banging going on downstairs.

You grabbed your phone and dialled Jimins number, hoping that he would pick up straight away. Unfrotunetly that was not the case.

It took you another 2 tries to get it to ring and then it went to voicemail. In the end you gave up and just sent a message.

You: Jimin, there's someone trying to knock the door down!

After you sent that message, your next thought was to contact the police. You dialled the number and asked for an emergency call out. They asked you where you were and how many people were trying to get in, you didn't know exactly but it only sounded like one. The police were on their way. Now all you could do was wait for either Jimin to answer, the police arrive or whoever is trying to get in, finds their way in.

You were still panicking, but you knew that you were going to be safe. Your phone pinged and you immediately grabbed it.

Jimin: What?! Who is it?? I'm coming home don't worry! I'll be there soon!

You replied to his text and placed your phone down, hugging your puppy as the sounds because more stronger until you heard a snap.

'The doors snapped. He's kicked a hole in...'

That's when you and your puppy were both alert. You had to hold the poor little animal against you to stop it from barking and giving away where you were hiding.

"Y/N, where are you~?" They sang.

The first thought that processed through your mind was, how did they know your name and by the sound of their voice, it was a male.

You heard the door knob click as he entered. He was now in the same room as you, walking around you.

"Y/N, I know your in here. I saw you through the living room window. Come out, I just need to speak to you." They shouted. The puppy started trying to move but you wouldn't let it. One scuffle and its the end. But it turns out, the puppy didn't even have to move. The boxes that you were hidden by were moved, making you revealed.

"Y/N, there you are."



Jimin had an uneasy feeling about the situation. As soon as he got the message from Y/N, he left his work. It was then it clicked. Just before him and Y/N moved out to another country, Jin had said something to him.


"Please be careful. Jungkook can find anyone he wants in seconds and he won't stop until he finds Y/N. I know he's apologised and everything but you know jungkooks mental state. Just take it easy and make sure Y/N is safe. I will cover as much of your tracks as I can. But he will find her... "


That's when Jimin put his foot down on the acelorator, speeding past other cars and even a police car but that didn't stop him at all. He needed to be there for Y/N.

The red light at the traffic lights shone brightly, making Jimin more aggrivated and inpatient. He needed to go. He needed to stop Jungkook.

As soon as the orange light showed, Jimin was gone. Past the other cars and not caring how fast he was going or how many cars he nearly made crash.

Jimin was finally only around the corner and he could see flashing blue and red lights behind him.

"I can't be dealing with you now." As soon as he said that, his house was right next to him. He rushed out of the car and flung himself through the door that had now got a massive hole through it.

"Y/N!" Jimin called, rushing up the stairs. He looked behind him to see two policemen jogging in.

"Excuse me sir, are you a resident of this house?" One of them asked. Jimin nodded while still scurrying around.

"Sir, do you know what's going on? We got a call from some woman and she was asking for help."

"yeah! I'll tell you whats going on! Jeon Fucking Jungkook!" He yelled, grabbing his hair and kicked objects out of his way only to rush to the next door.

The police looked around until Jimin heard Y/Ns voice. He rushed towards the room to open the door and see Jungkook and Y/N... Laughing.

Y/N must've not heard the door open because she only turnt around when she saw Jungkooks expression.

"Jimin! You're home early!" She smiled, jumping up onto him. He gave her a confused look but then gave a deadly glare to Jungkook.

"Long time no see Ji-"

"What are you doing here, Jungkook?" He sighed. Jungkook smirked and clapped his hands.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to know why you both left. The group needs you back Jimin and we're all gonna fail this next deadline because of you."

"No. Because of you Jungkook. Not me, if you didn't do what you did to Y/N, we wouldn't of had to move here. We could've still been best buds and hang out like we used to and have a laugh. But now I can't even look at you, I can't even believe that I thought of you as my brother. You're sickening." Jimin spat. Jungkooks smirk was now gone.

"Oh come on, forgive me for what I did to Y/N. I never meant to take it that far, I panicked and thought that if I went along with it, everything will be fine. I didn't want the whole FBI out to catch me!"

Jimin shook his head and told Jungkook to get out. You were just stood there in shock. You didn't even understand, your mind was too busy processing what was happening until two policemen walked in.

"May we ask what's going on in here and have we found the girl?" they asked. Jimin smiled and shook hands with the policemen.

"Don't worry cheif, it was a false alarm. It turns out that my dear friend over there didn't have a key and thought something was wrong as Y/N didn't answer so he kicked the door in and Y/N thought it was an intruder." He chuckled, trying to make it believable. When the two police officers drove away Jimin turnt back to Jungkook.

"Get out of my house now and don't come back." Was all he said and Jungkook removed himself from the premises.

'I'll be back, Jimin. Me and you will be back to how we we're. Don't worry.".....


[So I finally managed to update, I'm sorry its been like forever but I'm trying! As you can probably tell through my 100 A/N, there's a lot of thoughts and feeling and stuff going on right now which is causing me to be slow on updates! Ilyasm! I can't believe this book is over 50 chapters....

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