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[Going back from the Christmas special part 2, you and Taehyung were caught in the moment ~]

"Jungkook, its not what it looks like. I promise!"

"Well what is it meant to look like?" Jungkook asked, crossing his arms.

"We...we we're just having a chat and we were hugging.. That's it..

"I'm not so sure that's the truth." Jungkook squinted his eyes and bit his lip. This was not a good sign.
You hoped Jungkook wouldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Y/N...I didn't mean for any of this to happen....I-I understand if you hate me." Taehyung pouted. You smiled weakly because he knew that you wouldn't hate him ever, you've told him that about a thousand times.

You left the woods before Taehyung and went home. You didn't even say goodbye to the two. When you arrived home, you heard some shuffling coming from your bedroom.

"Jimin?" You called out but no one answered. The rest of the boys had left by now so it would've only been Jimin left in. You carried on walking up the stairs until you reached the top. The noises continued, your heart racing.

"Jimin?" You called out once again before reaching for the door handle.

"Jim-" You opened the door to see something that broke your heart.

Park Jimin and your best friend....making out....

You couldn't say just stood there in complete shock, horror and heartbreak. Even though you did the same thing as Jimin just a few minutes ago, it still looked wrong to you, he was cheating on you.

You suddenly snapped out of your horrified gaze to see the two on the bed looking over at you, Jimins face full of shock and guilt, your best friends face filled with complete joy.

"L-look Y/N I-its not w-what it looks l-like...." Jimin stuttered. Tears rolled down your face as you took in what happened a few seconds ago. You couldn't believe what had happened in front of you.

"Y/N... baby, please say something." Jimin rushed off of the bed to embrace you but you pushed him away and slapped him hard around the face. You walked over to your ex-best friend and grabbed her hair, yanked it so she would have to move, spat in her face, slapped her around the face and screamed in it too. She started crying and so did Jimin.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and stay away from me you dirty slag!" You screamed before kicking her out with no clothes but just underwear on.

You turned to Jimin who was now sat on the floor crying against the stairs. You cried even more, you broke.

"Why... Why would you do that to me? Why do it with my best friend? You could've picked anyone else but instead you choose my best friend!" you screamed, you stomped your feet like a five year old.

He kept crying, moving closer to you each time you shouted, to the point he was right next to you.

"I'm so sorry.... Baby please forgive me! I'm sorry... She just came in sayi g that she wanted to speak to you, I told her you wouldn't be long so she stayed and then she... She jumped onto me!" You couldn't believe a word he said anymore.

"Then how did you get all the way upstairs onto the bed? Why didn't you stop her?" you asked, pulling his hands away from yours, you didn't even want to be near him.

"I don't know... She just wouldn't let me go! I'm sorry baby.... Please... Please don't leave me..."

It broke you. It did. Your heart just couldn't take it anymore. You screamed as loud as you could, till your throat started hurting.

"what is it with all of you Bangtan? Do you all have a thing about doing me over, cheating on me?"

Just before Jimin was going to answer, his phone started ringing. He went to answer it but you took it off him before he accepted the call.

Incoming call: Jungkook 🤟

"I'm getting my stuff and going. We're over Park Jimin."


You grabbed your phone and opened the front door. You could still hear Jimins little hiccups... That's what got you the most, what made you want to go back to him and cuddle him and tell him you forgive him. But you couldn't, if you did, it would be like being with Jungkook again.

"Goodbye, Jimin." You shed a tear before closing the door behind you. All you could hear was wailing from the other side of the door. It made your heart ache.


Jimin was still on the floor after you left 4 hours ago, still crying until he got a text message.

Text message from: Jungkook 🤟

Jungkook 🤟: Hey, I heard what happened between you and Y/N... Listen, don't feel bad about it..

Jimin put his phone down and cried more, he felt numb. He wanted to die.


You grabbed your phone after sitting down at a bench.

New message: Jungkook

Jungkook: He's more heartbroken than ever.

You: It's not my fault, he cheated on me! I'm upset!

Jungkook: Don't forget... You cheated on him with Taehyung... Oh, did you not tell him that part? Ahhhh I see... Its okay I'll tell him.

You: No! Don't tell him! Please, it will break him more!

Jungkook: It's gonna cost you.

You: What? You can't blackmail me!

Jungkook: I can if you want me to keep your little dirty secret.

You: fine... What is it?

Jungkook: You have to be my toy from now on. If you don't, Jimin will know, got it, slut?

You: Okay... Just don't tell him.

Jungkook: Don't worry about that anymore.

You put your phone down and covered your face with your hands.

"I'm so sorry baby." was all you said before another load of tears fell down.

"I miss you so much Jimin."


Sorry if it sounds rushed! It's really early in the morning here and y'know I wanted you all to read some more of this cause why not? Vote and comment on ittttt love yall

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