Times Ticking

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You woke up to something different today. No shouting from Jungkook. Just silence. Complete silence. You sat up and just listened out in case you could hear anything. But you still couldn't. You didn't dare call out Jungkook's name.

You moved from your current bed to the corner of the room where your phone was hidden. When you got to it, you saw that you had a message from Jimin...A message that brought hope back to you.

Jimin: Baby!!! We're gonna find you soon!! You wanna know how!? Jungkook's been caught! The police have him, They've put him in questioning. He...wont tell us where you are and I know why he's put a time limit of why we have to find you in a certain time...I'm crying so much...If we don't get to you in time....A bomb will explode...baby I need you right now!!!

Your heart started racing when he mentioned the bomb. There could be a bomb anywhere in the room that you were in now.

It could blow up any minute, you could be standing on it without knowing.

'Any minute could be my last right now...any second could be my last. Oh please, please, please! find me!' Were the only words in your head, along with 'Death' and 'Bomb'.

A few hours later, you heard your phone ringing. You instantly rushed over to it.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hello!?"You heard a voice come back through and instantly you knew it was Park Jimin. It made you so happy to hear his voice, you missed him so much, you wanted to be in his arms, sat on the sofa, living a normal life and not as a hostage, dying slowly with the lack of food and drink, feeling weak and scared for your life.

"J-Jimin.. I'm so scared... where's the bomb!?" You cried down the phone. You started hearing little sobs coming from the other end of the phone. Jimin was crying, it broke your heart. You hated it when he cried, it kills you.

"Jimin, don't cry. Ill be fine, they'll find me soon and then me and you can cuddle all the time and I wont leave your side." You tried to calm him down but his cries got more louder and you could hear other voices.

"Jimin, who's there with you?" You asked.

"I'm with T-Taehyung and Jin hyung...their trying to calm me down..we're going to the police station.. to let them know that you're in there with the bomb" Once he mentioned the word again, your heart started racing more.

"Jimin, go now. You don't know how much longer I have until the bomb goes off. Go! I'll keep my phone with me to make sure I don't miss anything.

After you persuaded Jimin to go to the police station, you sat back down in your little corner.

'I hope you hurry and find me, I miss you.'


Time had flown past and it was getting late, there was no news from Jimin, you were getting slightly tired. You were about to go to sleep when you heard a massive bang from outside of the door, you tried so hard to keep yourself awake but this time your body weakness gave in. You had gone unconscious.

What was that noise?


[SO HIYA, I'm back!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a while but I stayed up so late to finish this off for you lot! its now 12:32am, I am so tired so I think I'm gonna try and sleep, although that might not work with my notifications from snapchat and Instagram going off and having this cold doesn't help either, so imma try my hardest to get some sleep! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and don't worry, I will be updating more regularly now! ILY all! vote, comment and follow me! Byeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!]

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