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[Okay so just a little tiny sad warning...This book is coming to an end, I'm so proud of how well this book turned out and I'm so happy that a lot have you enjoyed it! I might be bringing out another book, sequel to this one, that's if you guys would like?! Well I think this chapter or the next might be the last one of this book, ilysm guys].


You woke up, in the hospital. It was silent, which was unusual, but when you looked at the time you understood why. You had woken up at 5:00am.

'Why am I awake now? I just wanna sleep, wake up and be able to go home, is that too much to ask now?'

You tried for an hour to fall asleep but nothing was working. You couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard you tried and it was making you frustrated. You looked on Instagram just to see what was happening while you were stuck in a hospital room. You had scrolled past a few things before one caught your eye.

....Your mum and dad in another country.

You had suddenly remembered that they hadn't text you, called or come to see you since the last time you were at theirs. Since you had nothing to do, you decided to text your mother.

You: So...You've been away for ages? Since when? I didn't know you went away, you didn't tell me or bother to come and see me while I'm in hospital? Did you even know what was going on while you are away?

You waited for the reply, which didn't take long, The response you got made your blood boil.

Mother: Oh, nice to hear from you, What do you mean you didn't know? Why do you need to know where me and your father go? You never used to care. Why are you in hospital? Did you fall down some stairs again like you've done plenty of times before? Why would you need us there for something so small?

You: What! So if you got kidnapped or something while you were away and I didn't know, how the hell are we meant to find you and NO I didn't fall down the stairs again, If you were actually here and bothered with me then you would know that I had been kidnapped for over a week and you didn't notice that?! I died an then came back to life! I was close to being fully gone and you wouldn't care?!

Mother: Oh don't be stupid, of course we wouldn't want you dead and we wont be getting kidnapped don't be so stupid. How did you die and then come back to life? That's impossible, stop making up lies that you died, its not a nice thing to say! You've disgusted me!

You: I'm telling the truth, yet you don't believe me. Like I am going to joke about dying! That just out of order! I cant believe you would think i'd do something like that! You know what? I'm glad you're not here with me right now! I don't want you anywhere near me or the boys, Ever again!

Mother: Don't be such a silly girl, you're just over-reacting now, you need to stop this silliness and grow up, you're living with Jimin now and pretty soon you'll probably decide to have a family because you're just a little girl who wants to rush everything and not settle down! Don't say to never go near you, when you have my grandchild/children, I will be coming round to see them! There's no way you are stopping me and your father from seeing them!

You: You're not going anywhere near our children, you can stay away from them too! Go near them and the police will be involved, trust me.

After you hit the send button, you placed your phone back down, ignoring the ding that went with it. You couldn't be bothered to argue with your mum right now, you just wanted to get enough sleep so then later on in the morning, Jimin can come and get you and then take you home.


You woke up after falling asleep once again. You looked around the room until you saw two people stood over you.

"Morning beautiful." He smiled, you smiled back, yawning before you answered back.

"Morning handsome." Jimin sat down in the chair that was next to your bed.

"So, they said that you can leave, they will discharge you but I have to keep a very close eye on you for anything unusual, that's all. We don't have to go straight away, you can have breakfast and then we can pack for you to leave here and come home." Jimin held your hand while kissing your cheeks.

After ten minutes, the nurse came in and checked how you were feeling, after you said you were fine, she brought in some toast and some juice. You finished that in seconds as you hadn't eaten for a while. The nurse came back in after half an hour and took your tray.

"Come on, lets get you out of here!" Jimin smiled, kissing you on your lips, you kissed him back before packing your last few things.

Soon you were in the car with Jimin, n the way home. Finally. When you reached your house, Jimin took your bags and unpacked it for you. He told you to go and sit down, pick a film and he'll be down in a minute, not knowing that he had a surprise for you.

He came back down with...A puppy!!!!

"Oh my god, Jimin! She's so cute!" You laughed as the puppy licked your face.

"I got her just for you." He cuddled you and the puppy at the same time, the puppy jumping up on your lap and licking yours and Jimin's face.

A few minutes later, your phone rang. It was your mum.

"What does she want now?"

You: Hello?

mum: Where are you?

you: I'm a- wait, why do you want to know? Earlier you didn't even care! You're on holiday and you didn't even care that I was in hospital!

You were getting so angry, the puppy whined and ran up the stairs. You were getting annoyed so badly. You were that angry that you started crying. As soon as Jimin saw how distressed you were, he took the phone off of you and hung up.

"My mum's coming over when she gets back from benidorm..." You quietly said. Jimin stood up and pulled you up with him.

"Let's leave before she comes back." He smiled, you were confused but you liked the idea.

"Lets start packing and ill get us an immediate flight and we can stay in my other house in LA." Although it sounded so fast and crazy, you both ran up the stairs to the room your new little puppy was laying in peacefully and started packing. The next thing you know, you were going to LA.


[So this might pf been the last chapter, maybe not! but you never know.]

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