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The last thing you heard was a bang. What was it?

You didn't know how long you were out cold for but when you woke up, you were no longer in the basement of Jungkook's hiding place. You were now in a hospital room.

"Wha-what...where am I?" You asked aloud, looking around you, you could see the police, nurses and...Jimin!

As soon as you saw Jimin, you smiled and wanted to scream but all that came out was a whisper.

"Jimin! Baby! I'm here!" But he didn't look up nor give any sign of any action.

You tried to touch his hand but you failed, the moment you looked behind you, you saw the reason why he couldn't hear you.

'Am I dead?'

You couldn't believe what you saw. Your own body lying on the hospital bed. lifeless.

Your mouth was replaced with your hands, tears rolled down your face as reality hit you like a truck. You were dead and no one could change that. You looked over at your life support machine. It was slowing down.

"Huh? W-What's happening! No! No Y/N! You cant leave me now!" Jimin rushed to your lifeless body and held your hand, you wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

Jimin was crying and screaming and not long after so were the rest of the members. The room was soon filled with staff, nurses, doctors and everyone. The only people that weren't there...were your parents.

'Please just let me go back to my body, no matter how bruised and busted it is, I just want Jimin to be happy! Please! If you don't let me, he'll never smile again, his smiley eyes will disappear, his giggles, his laugh, his humor, his ability to be successful in life, he'll give up with so much..'

Suddenly, little images of Jimin broken popped through your head, it hurt. It made your heart sting, you never wanted to see Jimin in that state.

The nurses and doctors were now performing CPR on you, trying to get you back.


You watched as your body lifted off the hospital bed and slam back down. You watched them repeat this for another four times, each time you felt a strange tingle grow more and more. The more they did it again, the more sharper the tickle got until it got to a sharp pain in your chest.

"We'll have to do more, if we do three more shocks then we will stop, if she hasn't come back then, unfortunately there's nothing we can do." The doctor turned his back to Jimin and back to your lifeless body.

Jimin's face turned pale, it was one of those looks that made you think that he was ill.

'Please just let me go back to him. Can't you see he's in pain because of what you're doing to me God!?'

You cursed inside your head, hoping that some miracle would appear out of nowhere by helping you get back to Jimin.

'Please...just let me go back...I'll do anything..'

At this point you were close to giving up but something inside of you just wouldn't allow you to. For Jimin's sake.

All of a sudden, you started feeling dizzy, sick and hot. You felt your head and it was burning, as if someone was setting your head on fire. The next thing you know, you've some how fainted.

The next few hours were traumatizing. For everyone.

The next thing you knew was that you woke up. Beside you was Park Jimin, asleep with red puffy eyes and a red stuffy nose. The others were in the room as well. It was only Jungkook who was still awake but he had his headphones and he was still crying. You could hear his music and you knew full well of what playlist he was playing...His playlist that he made for you when you felt down and Jimin wasn't around.

You moved slightly and saw Jungkook's eyes shift to you. He blinked about five more times just to make sure that he wasn't imagining it.

[Just to let you know, Jungkook was discharged and he promised to never hurt you again, so that's why he's in the room.]

As soon as he made it clear that he wasn't imagining it all, he moved quicker than you had ever seen him move in your life.

"You're awake! You're alive!" He screeched, hugging you tightly. You winced because of the pain, but you didn't want it to stop Jungkook from hugging you. Although he's put you through a lot, you could never not forgive him. You had a soft spot for him.

The loud yelling from Jungkook, it caused Jimin and the other members to wake up. Jimin didn't bother speaking, he just lunged himself towards you. He was kissing your cheek every second that he got, he never let go of your hand. Every time you looked up at him, he looked like he was crying.

"Jimin, baby?" You asked, causing his smiling attention.

"Yes, princess?" He answered back, squeezing your hand and smiling again.

"Are you crying?" You asked, laughing at how he reacted.

"What? No, N-" You couldn't help but laugh as he cried, you didn't mean to be mean but you had heard stories of Jimin crying if someone was asking him if he was crying, he'd deny it and then burst out with tears.

"Aww, is my Jiminie crying?" You cooed, he gently pushed your arm and saying, "Stop it.".

The nurse came in to check on you after Yoongi had gone to notify them that you had finally woken up.

"We'll need to keep you overnight but after a day or two, you may be discharged." The nurse smiled as you nodded your head.

That evening was filled with laughter and cries by you and BTS, They had you laughing hysterically while you had them laughing hysterically. By 10pm, most of the boys had gone home to sleep, today had been an eventful day. Jimin was the last one to stay with you of course, but you could tell that he needed to go home and get some proper sleep.

"Jiminie, why don't you go home for now, you look tired and you need to eat a full meal." You poked his cheeks, making him puff them out and pout his lips.

"But I don't want to leave you, what if something happens while I'm away?" Jimin asked, gripping onto your hand but you shook him off.

"Go home Jimin, baby. I'll be fine, I promise, I'll text you in the morning okay?" You kissed him before watching him slowly leave the room.

"Goodnight, Princess."



[So I know this is a very, very, very long chapter, this has 1129 words in and I'm so tired right now, but ive gotta sort out my other books lmao. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ILYASM!!!

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