Christmas special!

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[So I've skipped most of the story to Christmas, at this time, Jimin and you are back together (not that you broke up anyway) and Jungkook still hasn't spoken to you.]

"Merry Christmas!" Jimin kissed you and gave you your present from him. You opened it with him watching like a hawk.

"Awww it's beautiful!" You smiled and watched as his whole face lit up from you.
"If you look inside the crystal, it's says 'I love you' in over 100 different languages." Jimin pulled you closer to him by your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Look. Here, I got you present too!" You squealed, making him move back from your high pitched squeak.

"You didn't have to, beautiful." He kissed your cheek, making you giggle before giving him his present.

You watched him open it with a joyful look on his face, you knew he was going to like it.

"Baby, you didn't have to get me this!" He placed the watch that he had wanted for ages on his wrist.

"I knew you wanted it, so I brought you it." You smiled as he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer.

"I love you." He whispered into your ear.

"I love you too." You replied, burying your head into his neck.


You and Jimin sat on the sofa watching Christmas films. You didn't really care what you did on Christmas as long as you were with Jimin.

"Should we make a roast dinner? The others will be coming soon, I invited them all." Jimin smiled at you.

You nodded your head and went to the kitchen, Jimin following you behind. You both started cutting the vegetables and put the chicken/Turkey in the oven.

[If you don't like the options of Chicken/Turkey, then just make it something you like]

"Lately, I've been thinking... how would you feel about moving away with me?" Jimin suddenly blurted out, making you accidently cut your finger in shock.

"Ouch! W-what?" You questioned him, quickly putting your finger in your mouth. You could taste that disgusting metallic taste in your mouth.

Jimin reached for the first aid kit and attended to your wound.

"I said, how would you like to move away from here, with me?" This time, he made sure nothing was in your hands.

"J-Jimin.. I don't know. W-what about e-everyone else?" You asked, stuttering from nervousness and trying to hide the pain.

"They will know, Jungkook however will not. He's the reason I want to go away from here with you."

You were convinced but you didn't know if you wanted to leave. This is the place you grew up in... the place your dad died.

[So I don't know if I mentioned her dad before but if not then carry on, if I have then ignore that because he's dead.]

"What about m-my mum? She w-will be a-all alone... "
Jimin saw your worried look on how you had the thought about leaving your mum.

"Don't worry, the others will make sure she's okay. Babe, if you don't want to go then say, I'm not forcing you to go." Jimin pulled you onto his lap and caressed your back with his thumbs, forgetting that you both had a roast cooking.

"I want to go... but I don't either." You started sobbing softly, as soon as Jimin noticed he hushed you.

"Come on, we'll talk about it later, we've got a roast to cook." He took your hand and kissed your forehead before walking with you back to the kitchen.


After you had cooked the roast, people started to arrive. First was Jin and Namjoon.

"So, did you ask her?" Namjoon whispered into Jimins ear, making sure you didn't hear.

"Yes, but she doesn't want to leave her mu-"


"Jiminie! Can you get that?" You shouted from the kitchen. You and Jin were having a nice conversation and he just couldn't help but squeal at your nickname for Jimin.

"You two are so cute!" Just when Jin said that, Yoongi and Taehyung arrived.

"Hey! What's going on and that smell is amazing!" Taehyung basically jumped onto you, making you spill hot water over your hand.

"AH! TAEHYUNG!" You screamed in pain. Jimin rushed in to see what the racket was about, seeing Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi surround you while you were on the floor in pain, crying.

"What happened?" Jimin asked, rushing towards you, looking at your face and then his eyes traveling down all the way to your burnt hand.

"Taehyung! You're dead! Get the fuck out!" He screamed.

[Taehyung is still the sensitive baby, don't worry! He's not a big manly man yet!]

"J-Jimin, it's fine... h-he didn't mean t-to." You scrunched your face in pain.

"I'm sorry, Y/N! If I knew you had the hot water in your hand I wouldn't of jumped onto you! I'm so,  so, so sorry!" Taehyung cried before getting up, head down, leaving.

"Tae, don't be silly! Come back here!" You whined but he didn't listen. You heard the door shut and everyone looked at each other.

You wrapped your hand up in a bandage and everyone else ate, but you didn't. You wanted to see Taehyung.

"I'm just going out, I'll be home soon." You announced before leaving the house.


[Okay, so I haven't finished this part so there's going to be a part 2!]

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