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[HA! I'M BACK! I know I said that the last chapter could've been the last of this book but I can't bring myself to say goodbye to this book. You guys really enjoy it and I really wanna keep it that way.]


You and Jimin had finally landed in LA. Your new puppy was waiting for you as she had to be placed in the animal cartage of the plane. As soon as she saw you, she started barking.

When you got her out of her cage, she jumped up on your lap, licking your cheeks as she did. Jimin laughed at both of you and then took to puppy away from you so you could finally wipe the slobber off of your face.

"Shall we go home?" Jimin smiled, kissing your lips. You blushed, you just couldn't believe that you were in LA, with your cute puppy and your unbelievably hot, handsome boyfriend.

"Yes." You shyly said. You took his hand into yours and you both walked out into the open air of LA.


When you reached yours and Jimin's new house. You were so shocked at how you managed to get here and how you managed to even be able to afford all of this. Jimin had never mentioned that he had so much money to afford two houses, one in another country.

"So why did you have this house when you didn't live here?" You asked him. Watching him put the puppy down and watch her run around the new floors.

"I got it just after me and you got together. I knew me and you would have to run away. Especially if Jungkook did all of that to you." He smiled softly, trying to be as careful as he could over the past few weeks.

"So... You knew that we'd have to move away?" You asked, nearly falling apart in your own words. Jimin noticed it and picked you up, walking into the kitchen and placing you on the counter.

"Baby, don't get upset. You don't have to talk about what's in the past anymore." He caressed your thigh and cheek with his hands, making you calm down after a while.

"W-what about m-my par-"

"They have a note waiting at your house." He smiled, kissing your cheek. You hated that Jimin could read you like a book when it came to your emotions.

"Go choose a film, I'll bring some snacks." He tapped on you knees, signalling for you to go. You did as he said and went to the front room.

You wasn't keen on horrors, so you didn't bother trying. There was one film that you had always wanted to watch but your parents never let you.

'Miracle from heaven'.

You chose the film and paused it at the start and you waited for Jimin. He soon came in with snacks, when he sat down you cuddled up to him immediately.

You both were watching the film when all of a sudden your phone rang.

You picked up.


"Where in the world are you?!"

"Oh hi mum. You don't need to know where I am. All you need to know is, I'm not coming back."

With that you hung up. Feeling proud but heartbroken at the same time.

"You okay baby?" Jimin asked, pulling to back to the position you two were in before you got inturrupted.

"I'm fine." You huffed. Jimin knew that you were lying.

He didn't bother you anymore and just left you to be calm in his hold. Later on you heard small snores. You knew that he had fallen asleep. You looked over to your cute little puppy to see that she was asleep too.

"How lazy." you giggled quietly, trying not to wake either of them up. You decided that you would try and get some rest.

You made sure that the volume was down on the TV and cuddled back up to Jimin, you slowly felt yourself fall asleep. Until finally. You fell asleep.


[it's been quite a long time since I've been on here, I know I'm terrible, I'm sorry! I'm trying so hard! I'm not getting enough sleep atm and I'm not in a good mental place right now, but I'm gonna push myself  to upload! ILY! ❣️

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