Chapter 53

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[Lmao, what has this book even- my cats trying to open the door, its the funniest thing I've ever seen HE-]

Supposedly Jimin had only a few hours to live. Which you hoped was not true. Maybe he was just joking around? Maybe he was that unwell that he thought that?

"Jiminie?" You reached for his hand, causing him to snap out of his little daydream. He hummed back at you, letting your hand hold his.

"You were just kidding about earlier right?"

"What do you mean?" He looked at you with a confused face.

"When you said about your parents and th-"

"It's true! Why does no one believe me!? Once I'm gone, you will believe me! wont you!?" He started shouting, making you a bit frightened.


"No! You know what?! Just leave me alone, don't come back here. I'll be gone by tonight. Goodbye Y/N."

You had tears threatening to spill. You prayed that if you just sat back in the chair he wouldn't shout anymore. But he did.

"What are you still doing here?! I thought I told you to leave!" He yelled, losing his voice and making it crack along the way. You didn't bother to hide the tears that were now falling down your cheeks, you didn't want to leave if what he said was true, you wanted to stay with him either way.

"I-I'm not leaving..." You stuttered, hoping he didn't notice it after.

"I don't want you in here so you will leave, whether you like it or not." He coldly spat. You felt your heart pang when he said he didn't want your presence around him in what could be his last hours of his life.

"I don't have to leave if I don't want to. I want to spend the rest of your hours here on earth with you, but I cant do that if you're just pushing me away!" You started yelling back, not being able to help it.

"I don't want you here! Just leave me alone! I don't want to see you again!" You let him shout and scream in your face for however long it was when you had enough. You cupped his cheeks, made him look into your eyes. That's when he broke down in tears in front of you.

"Jimin, stop crying-"

"I'm sorry.. it's all my fault! Please don't leave me, I love you...I don't really want you to go. Please!" You put your finger to his mouth and hushed him, which worked straight away. You intertwined your fingers together and pressed your foreheads together.

"I know you were just mad, don't worry. I wouldn't of left even if you physically made me. I'd come running right back." He smiled and it was the most precious thing you could ever see in life. It was that beautiful that you wished you could copy and paste his smile on your eyelids so that every time you closed them, you'd see his pretty smile. The smile that made you smile, every. Single. Time.

A few hours later, you and Jimin had fallen asleep, in each others arms. You woke up regularly to check on Jimin as it started getting later into the night. Nothing major happened, he had a few moments where he would jump up in his sleep but he continued to sleep peacefully after.

It had just turned 1:26am and Jimin was still breathing normally and nothing seemed odd or bad. No one will ever know if he was lying or if he had just made it through his fathers words, but right now that didn't matter, what mattered was that he was still alive, healthy and hopefully happy. By the time it was 5am, you started feeling more and more tired so you decided to slightly nap, being cautious of Jimin still.


You woke up from the sound of a woman's voice. As you slowly opened your eyes, you saw Jimin's nurse smiling.

"Hello deary, as much as I really wanted to leave you two too it, I have some news. Good news!" You smiled at her and turned to Jimin, trying your best to get up without disturbing him. As soon as you managed to slip out of the door, you and the nurse started talking.

"So, Jimin's results came back all clear and he has nothing physically wrong with him. Although, there is a possibility that his mental state has gotten worse. You may have to watch out for him more than usual just in case. He may even be fine but we don't know that yet until he's alone at home with you."

You nodded at what she said. This meant that you would have to take a few weeks off of work to keep an eye on Jimin closely. You knew it was going to be difficult with Jimin's anger issues too but you wanted to try.

"The other good news." She continued. "Is that he is being discharged from the hospital today, so when he wakes up, he is free to leave whenever. All you have to do, is sign him out from the reception."

You smiled brightly and thanked her before returning back to Jimin. He was awake, smiling brightly at you.

"Good morning my handsome, good news, we can go home today!" you cheerfully said. You watched his face turn bright and cheerful even more. He reminded you of a little child in a toy shop finding the most perfect toy ever.

"So can we go home now? I don't want to be in this room any longer, it's driving me mad." he chuckled. You laughed and started packing his bags but also leaving him out some fresh clothes to put on. As he did that, you made sure to clean everything back up and make it neat and tidy.

"I'm ready to go!" You heard Jimin cheer. You smiled at him and gave him his full bag while intertwining your fingers with his.

"we have to sign out first, that's what she told me." You informed Jimin, you both made your way to the receptionist who watched you walk over.

"Hello there, is there something I can help you with?" She politely asked. You nodded your head and spoke clearly.

"Yes, my boyfriend is being discharged from the hospital today, we were told to sign out here before leaving." You calmly spoke, Jimin held onto you, hands on your hips, stroking his thumb around your waist in circles.

[You know what I mean right? I meant like when someone puts their hands on your hips and then like rubs circles into it with their thumb...? Well oh well whatever suck my nans toes :)]

The receptionist typed away on the computer in front of her before nodding her head and checking Jimin out. When you had left the hospital you made your way home.


[okay so I haven't updated in like what feels like forever, I've been meaning to hut I haven't got round to it because I'm lazy okay. Lmao.

It's currently 3:10am so... Yeah.. That's the time I decided to update for y'all.

Well... Suck my nans toe and vote.. Thanks ma dudes :)]

My Bully//JK FF حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن