Chapter 1

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"What time is it?" I ask sitting up. I had no idea who I was even talking to. The older you get the harder hangovers hit you. My eyes were burning because of the sunlight beaming in through the glass walls. With every move I made my head just felt heavier and heavier.

I finally sit up properly getting off the floor. Liam was laying on the couch and Mason was on the floor.

"Another one not dead of alcohol poisening." CJ says walking in to the living room.

"How the fuck are you so fine?" I mumble.

"Cleo made me eat before I got wasted and I just took another shot to get rid of the hangover." He shrugs and I laugh.

"Fuck-" Mason groans out getting up. "Feels like a bus ran me over."

"Honestly were getting old." CJ says.

"I do not know about you- but I'm only 29." I tell CJ.

"Such a baby." He teases me.

"Okay. You okay?" CJ asks Liam who finally got up. "You guys are being loud!" He says annoyed. "Its like living with you guys all over again."

"When was the last time we all slept under the same roof?" Tim asks walking into the livingroom. "Someone explain why I now have a tattoo I don't understand?"

"Holy shit." I mumble as he stares at his side. It was about 5 inches big and was in arabic. "Translate it fool." Mason says as Tim takes a picture searching it up online.

"It means CC."

"Collin's Crew- aw Timothy. You missed us that much?" Liam says.

"Why is it arabic?" He wonders sitting down shirt less. "Because- I had something to do with it ofcourse." Cleo says walking into the room. "Hi boys."

"But you left us to go hang with the girls?" Liam says. "Traitor- you're part of us first."

"Oh- I automatically get invited to bachelorette and bachelors parties." She smiles. "Congratulations groom. Your day is finally here!"

"Thanks." Mason says getting up. "Now lets get rid of the hangover. I have what? 24 hours?"

"Yep." CJ says. "You better not have a headache when you're marrying my sister." He jokes and Mason rolls his eyes.

"Where are my brothers?" Mason says. "Welll... I sent them to bed." Cleo says. "Can't have scratches on their delicate faces. They're upstairs scattered around."

"I remember Alex trying to convince me to get a tattoo." Mason says.

"My head- did I take crack or something?" Alex says walking down the stairs. "Whose house is this?"

"CJ and Cleo's." I tell my oldest brother. He looked at us and shakes his head. "I know I had more than just alcohol. Who did this to me?"

"Brother- why would you assume we drugged you?" Mason says laughing. "You guys drugged me before you bastards." He says and we all laugh. My friends and siblings only actually came in contact with events like important ones such as a wedding.

"I slept with someone yesterday." Luke says walking down the stairs confused. He was still slightly drunk. I could tell as he was not walking straight.

"But you don't remember?" Alex asks our blonde younger brother. "Who was it?"

"Well I haven't seen anybody enter the house or leave." Cleo says.

"My phone died- what time is it?"

"1 afternoon."

"Fuck." I mumble getting up. "Ah- too fast." I sigh feeling the peng of pain in my head. "Damn."

Collin's Crew IIII: AdultingWhere stories live. Discover now