Chapter 6

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Nick's POV

I stare at Mason and Desi going at it over what? Me? I thought they left this child-ish beef years ago.

"Who wants to get drunker?" Cleo says. She was in her own world. "Actually I think im pretty drunk. Drunk enough for drunk sex." She says getting up dragging CJ up. I roll my eyes as CJ leaves with a stupid grin on his face pulled by Cleo.

"Toodles." She says. I sit back down as Tim passes me a drink.

"Dude I thought y'all broke up?" Liam says. "Well.. we did but then we accidentally slept together and we cool but not cool. I have no idea." I throw back the drink in my cup and put it down feeling the cold alcohol slide down my throat.

I was pissed hearing Desi and Mason talk utter nonsense. He took it too far. She was being ridiculous.

Liam changes the topic seeing I wasn't trying to hear anything. I clean up with Tim and Mason as Desi fell asleep on the sofa. She was drunk as hell.

"That was a great night." Liam says as I stood in the kitchen with Mason and him. "I'm bouncing out." He says fist bumping both of us before he leaves.

"You can be mad all you want- I am just trying to look out for you."

"Veronica isnt my hero whose gonna rescue me from myself. Neither are you. So cut it out." I tell him annoyed he was bringing this shit up again.

"And Blu is?" He asks and I laugh out loud. Thats how ridiculous this was. "What are you talking about? There isn't a single thing going on between us. If there was you have no business telling me who I can or cannot date big brother."

"I've just said my opinion- thats it." He says and I roll my eyes. "Calling the mother of my sons a bitch isn't an opinion. What the fuck Mason." I say frowning. "Thats not what I want my kids to see as an example of how to treat family because if you like it or not- thats what she is. Family."

"Family doesn't do what she's done to you." He says

"Well family is where the biggest betrayal comes from. Me and you should both know this." I say leaving the kitchen.

"I can take her home." Chyna says looking at me as she watched Desi sleep on the sofa.

"Its fine. She can stay here." I say. "Thanks for coming. Thanks for the gifts too." I tell my sister in law. "No worries. I'll come pick the kids up or Mason will tomorrow. School on monday. I'll have to drag them out of here." She says and I nod. We both knew our kids very well.

I pick up Desi from the sofa and it was strange holding her. I was focusing more on her not throwing up on me. My nephews and nieces took over majority of the guest rooms so I put her in my bed taking off her shoes and putting the sheets over her.

I get in the shower and get dressed in my sweats and tshirt before slipping into bed with Kai. The kids having huge beds was a fantastic idea. Now I didn't have to worry about suffocating my son. He notices im in his bed and crawls over hugging me as he carries on sleeping. I kiss the top of his head.

Felt like I slept 30 seconds before I heard someone crying.

"Whose crying?" I ask Zain who ran into Kai's bedroom. "AJ." He says.

I climb out of Kai's bed and see Kai was no where to be found. "Hey buddy whats wrong?" I ask AJ who sat in Zain's room. "I fell." He cries. "Come on, lets get you guys into some clean clothes and brush your teeth." I say.

"Yasmin? Tameeka?" I say out loud as I opened a pack of kids tooth brushes. Yasmin waddles into the bathroom. "Come brush your teeth." I help her up and brush it for her since she barely held the tooth brush. She looked a lot like Chyna with the hair and skin colour. She even had the latina attitude and was 3, the youngest of the bunch.

Collin's Crew IIII: AdultingWhere stories live. Discover now