Chapter 34

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Desi's POV

I could not believe Charlotte decided to kidnap my kids. I think my mind was so shut off the world so I did not have to deal with the sadness of losing the baby. It was a wake up call. My kids need me. Or some strange woman tries to replace me.

I wake up early and shower. I felt so guilty. If I wasn't in bed pitying myself I could have protected my kids. I clean my room and head downstairs making breakfast for the kids.

I hated that I let myself get into such a deep depression but I couldnt stop myself. My kids needed me... I get the kids ready for school and I force Heather to take a week off. Jane was around but she was limited to house work.

"Hey." Nick says as he walked into the kitchen where the kids were having breakfast. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Good morning." I say and he sits down messing Zain's hair. "You need a haircut." He tells him. Zain blew his hair out of his face and chuckled. "Yeah. I do." He says. "Its my friends birthday party tomorrow and they said I can bring Mariana and Kai." He says

"Well I don't know about Mckai." I say. He was so strange in big crowds of people he did not know. Last month he screamed at the top of his lungs in the supermarket because some balloon popped. He hates balloons now.

"I want to go!" Kai says and I nod. "We will see honey. Come on. Heathers not here. I'll take you to school."

"I'll do it. Its fine." Nick says but I shake my head. "No don't worry."

"Why don't we all go together?" Zain says and I chuckle. Nick gets up. "Come on." He says and I put my hair in a bun. "I need a haircut too." I mumble. My hair was down my ass. It was thick waves and very hard to manage.

Nick and I drop the kids off and we go get breakfast together. I haven't worn jeans in such a long time. It was strange. Usually just in my underwear and Nick's shirt.

"You lost weight." Nick says. "Youre jeans aren't skinny jeans anymore."

"You like me more when I'm thick huh?"

"The more jiggle." He teases me and I laugh. "Shut up."

"I missed you." He says. "I'm glad you're doing better."

"So am I." I say. "I think we need to take Kai to a doctor."

"That is not Alex." He says

"Alex is a great doctor." I say and he rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"His behaviour is so bad... things trigger him. Like loud noise and too many people."

"I noticed. I thought it was just terrible behaviour."

"Hes so smart." I say. "He said to me this morning that the pancake needed exactly 53 seconds to be golden."

"Thats Kai." Nick chuckles.

We pick up Kai a little early and we take him to see Alex.

"Oh thanks for squeezing us in." I tell Alex. He was a great childrens doctor.

"For my nephew anytime." He says as Kai hugs him. "Come on." He says as we walk into the room. Nick sighs sitting down.

"So what's up Kai?" Alex says as Kai sits on the examination bed.

"Mom and dad say my behaviour is a bad when I scream or cry for things they say no to and sometimes I do the opposite of what they tell me."

Collin's Crew IIII: AdultingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora