Chapter 7

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"Do you guys want a milkshake or a normal drink?" I ask the kids as we were ordering food.

"Milkshake!" They just scream at me.

"Why did I even ask?" I chuckle sitting down in the kitchen. Desi was supposed to come get the kids later. But when I hear the doorbell I assume its her and she's just early. The two of us were doing pretty well. Best friends- as our kids said.

"Hey." Mona says as she appeared. Jane walked past her as Mariana jumps up to hug her aunt. The boys didnt spend anytime with Mona. Barely saw her. They greet her back and carry on running around.

"What's up?" I ask Mona. She came unannounced sometimes because she knew Mariana was always with me. This was the weekend she was going with Desi.

"Did you miss me? I missed you." She says kissing Mariana's face. "Here." She says pulling out lollipops. "Share with your brothers okay?"

"Okay." She says skipping out the kitchen.

"How are you?" Mona asks. She looked a lot like her sister. She was just a bit taller and had an annoying attitude I couldn't tolerate.

"Good." I tell her. My relationship with Mona was pretty simple. She was annoying and pretty spoiled and I didn't really like her. However, she's always been around since her sister died for M and I have known her since she was a kid herself. she even dated Sam for a period of time.

"I'm good too Jheez, Nick." She says and I roll my eyes.

"So what's up?" I ask again.

"Eh." She starts... "This isn't gonna make me happy is it?"


"So... spit it the fuck out?" I say getting annoyed.

"So this guy Meghan used to date like ages ago.. I bumped into him right." She says. "At the mall- I was buying this new outfit."

"What does that have to do with me?" I ask. "You just like to waste my time."

"Oh you're gonna wanna listen to this." She says. "We were talking and I showed him a picture of Mariana and he asked how old she was."

"From now on- stop showing my daughters picture to men I do not care for." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Will you shut up and listen?"

"Are you guys fighting?" Mariana says running into the kitchen. "No, your dad is just being annoying. Hey, honey why don't you go play with the boys and I'm gonna come join you."

"Okay." She shrugs.

"Anyway- Simon. The guy started getting really like weird. He said when was she born? Told him and he said thats my kid."

I start laughing and look at Mona. She was funny.

"Honestly, you are funny." I say still laughing. "Nick- I am fucking serious?"

"How is that his kid- have you seen Mariana. We look exactly a like. We have the same fucking eyes!" My annoyance switched. I was pissed off.

"Don't play with me right now Mona." I say as she gets her phone out. She shows me te guys instagram page. The guy had the exact same eyes as I did. bright blue with grey bits.

"Nope." I say. "Meghan and I were actually together. Why the fuck would she cheat on me?" I say still holding on to the phone.

"I do not know. You guys werent serious. She got pregnant and then you guys became serious right? She found out she was pregnant 4 months in?"

"We were not messing around when she got pregnant." I say. "Even if we were- she didn't tell me about no guy named Simon." I say. I lost the control I was holding onto by a thread. My anger was slowly slipping to rage as I threw Mona's phone straight into the wall.

Collin's Crew IIII: AdultingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ