Chapter 14

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Desi's POV

Nick walks through the door that afternoon with Justin. He had his bags packed and everything. Nick's been gone for atleast 8 hours with him.

"Hey." I say looking at Nick and Justin. "Hi." Nick says. "The kids?"

"Garden." I tell him as he nods. "Go shower before you hug my kids." Nick tells him and Justin rolls his eyes. "The room opposite Zain's. That will be yours." He tells him. Justin nods taking his bags with him.

"What happened?" I ask Nick who sits down sighing.

"He was trying to fund his biological fathers heroin addiction." He says. "What?"

"Yep. The guy found him and asked him for money. The fucking audacity? When I see him..." Nick looked very unhappy. "So I spoke to mom and to keep an eye on him he's gonna stay with me."

"Thats nice of you." I say and he runs his fingers through his hair. Nick had an amazing trait of caring unconditionally for the ones that were his family. He would go above and beyond for them. He was very sweet behind all that tough exterior. Super caring and honestly it was what I loved about him the most. The big heart. I put my arms around him kissing his head. "You're an amazing big brother." I say and he chuckles.

I kiss his lips and he pulls me into his lap.

"So did you say across Zain or Kai?" Justin says walking into the kitchen. "Okay..." He says back tracking a little.

"Zain." I tell him and he nods a little embarrassed. He reminds me of young Sam. So shy and polite compared to Mason and Nick.

"Your siblings have to be 16 and be under your care huh?" I ask Nick and he chuckles. "The twins and Luke and now Justin. Should've seen it coming."

"Yeah. Should've." I chuckle.

"So you're 28 tomorrow." He says and I roll my eyes. "Ew thats so close to 30." He laughs at me but I was so serious.

"Please marry me before I'm 30. I cannot be unmarried with two kids at 30."

"I gotchu." He says and I laugh kissing his lips again. He rest his head on my chest as he just holds me. "You wanna take a nap." I tell him. "The kids and I arengonna make lasange together."

"Yeah." He says sighing. "Before they see me I'm gonna head to bed." He says and I chuckle knowign they wouldnt let him go to bed.

He kisses my lips again before I get off his lap and he leaves.

I prepare the food I was about to make with the kids before I get them inside.

"Look whose here." I say as the hug their uncle at the same time.

"We are gonna make lasange wanna help?" Mariana says and Justin nods. "Come on." He says following us into the kitchen.

"Have you moved in?" Justin asks and I shake my head. "No. Might as well- spent all my nights here." I say and he chuckles helping Kai open the cheese. "I don't remember much from your and Nick together." He tells me. "You were quite young." I say. "I think we were at the end of our relationship when I met you."

"Nick is a great guy." He says. "And not just saying that because he is my brother." He adds and I chuckle. "I know."

"You got a girlfriend Justin?" I ask and he blushes nearly. He was so adorable. 16 year olds were so cute.

"No." He says. "There was this girl right... she was... eh..." He gets embarrassed again making me chuckle.

"Right." I say and he chuckles. "Well we had a thing and then the whole situation happened with my dad. I spent all my free time with him. So we stopped talking."

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