Chapter 11

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Nick's POV

"What you guys doing for thanksgiving?" I ask Tim throwing up an M&m in the air catching it with my mouth. I was at their house this evening.

"I aint got no family. Melanie's family in England and they don't celebrate thanksgiving. I never did either." He says.

"Same." Liam says as he spinned himself round on the kitchen stool.

"Were gonna drink and get high." Tim smiles at Melanie who rolls her eyes. "With me third wheeling." Liam says smirking.

"You guys should come to Desi's. She's doing thanksgiving." I tell them.

"Bro, too many people." Tim says and Liam nods. "CJ, Mason, Cleo and Chyna left today for New Orleans."

"And you say I have a lot of siblings. CJ has like 20 all starting with the letter C." I say and they laugh. "So you and Desi cool now huh?" Liam says and I nod.

"A bit more than cool." I admit. They were my best friends, it be weird if I hid it from them? Y'all can't tell Mason though. He'll just freak out on me again. Or Chyna- she'll tell him." I say looking at Melanie. She was close with Chyna.

"You got my word." She says raising her hand up.

"Its only till we figure things out. If it works then we will let everyone know."

"I think you guys make the cutest couple." Melanie says.

"I support it." Liam says. "She is the girl you went mad over years back. I aint never seen you as happy as you are with her. Besides she was our friend too at some point even joined us with Collins Crew." Liam says

"Look at you being corny." I say looking at Liam who puts me in a headlock. "Why you coming for y toxic masculinity." He says before I elbow him in the stomach. "Argh you jerk." He says and I laugh.


Thanksgiving morning the kids were with me. Desi has been cooking all day yesterday and last night as she was texting me. She was so dedicated to this.

Kai and Mariana appeared in my bed when I woke up. Both next to eachother under the covers with my TV on playing softly as it didn't even wake me up.

"Good morning." I tell the two. They both hug me and kiss my face as I play with them tickling them.

"No dad stoppppp." Kai laughs as I tickle him. "I'm gonna pee myself!" He screams and I stop. "Woooow! Not in my bed." I tell him and he laughs even harder as Mariana climbs my head.

"Wheres your brother?" I ask the two. He was usually up by now. It was 9 in the morning.

"I don't know. We haven't seen him." Kai tells me. Alarm bells start going off in my bed and I get out of bed in search for Zain.

I look into his room but he wasn't in there. I checked downstairs, the kitchen and livingroom but he was gone. I was starting to panick a little bit now.

"Zain?" I call out. I check the other kids room, the game room, the movie room, the gym downstairs and then my room again.

He wasn't here. I was feeling like I could throw up any minute. I check the cameras but there was no movement the whole night. So he was home. I check again in his bedroom and open his bathroom which I forgot to check. Zain was laying next to the toilet in his batman pyjamas. His lifeless body send a shock through my body as I fell on my knees.

"Zain?" I say picking him up. He was breathing thankfully. "Buddy whats wrong?" I ask. "Hmmm?" He says vaguely with his eyes still closed. "Daddy... I don't feel so good." He says. He only called me daddy when he was sick or in trouble. He opens his eyes and sits up as he starts to throw up missing the toilet bowl. I quickly grab him putting him in the right direction.

Collin's Crew IIII: AdultingWhere stories live. Discover now