Chapter 5

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Desi's POV

"Why are you wasting my money?" I ask Zain who was using half the Nutella jar on his bread.

"Becauseeeee, mommy rich. She'll just buy me another one." He smiles. "God- you're spoiled." Its your dad definitely and not me.

My head was circulating around Nick a lot since I came back. Maybe because out of sight out of mind only works so many years. My stonach hurt seeing him with Veronica. Him pissed at me was another thing.

Genuinely had no choice. My mom was sick. I spent an entire childhood without her. No way was I going to not be by her side?

"Kai stop- I'm trying to eat!" Zain's voice snaps me back into reality. The boys looked identical. Hard to keep apart if it wasn't for the little things and the inch or two of height. They looked exactly like their father. The light grey blue eyes and the pitch black curly hair with olive skin tone. Zain had his father's temper. It never really came out. Just when he's pushed to the limit.

Kai was me. Careless. Just took everything as it came.

"Mom!" Zain says looking at me as Kai ran with the jar. "You're being slow!" Kai says and I look at him. "If you don't hand the jar back right now." I tell him and he sighs.

"Mariana come eat before your grandparents take you to the zoo." I shout.

"She only eats cereal." Zain says as Mariana comes into the kitchen with her tablet. She stared at the fruit, bread and pancakes for a bit. "Cereal?" I ask her and she nods. "Yes. I want the cinnamon ones!"

"Your dad's favourite huh?" I ask and she nods. "We always have it together." She says.

"Go open the door for your grandma." I tell Zain who jumps off the chair.

"Hi honey." Jasmine says greeting the kids. "Hey." I say as she hugs me. "You lost weight?" She frowns. "Remember taking care of yourself is how to take care of them."

Nick's mother was probably the nicest thing to happen to me. When I started dating Nick and I had no family and I was grieving- she really was a mom for me. Took care of me. Never put her son above me even when he wronged me. She genuinely was amazing. She treated me like family and so did Nick's siblings well except Mason me and him had other problems.

"Jasmine I missed you so much." I tell her hugging her again and she chuckles. "We need to catch up." She says and I nod.

"Bye kids!" I say kissing Zain's head who stood next to me. "Mariana, Kai. Hugs!" I say offended and they run back hugging me.

"Hey." I say answering the phone as I sit down.

"Well hi busy bee." Cleo says and I chuckle. "Well lets catch up- the kids went to the zoo and sleeping at Nick's parents house."

"Come over. I'm cooking."

"I don't think I've been to your new house yet."

"We keep moving around." She chuckles. "But this is our permanent one. We love this one."

"Text me the address." I tell her before heading over.

Cleo and CJ were the most extra couple I've ever met. Probably the longest and most stable relationship I've ever witnessed. They were Nick's best friends. Cleo and I became friends and slowely best friends after hitting a few rough patches.

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