Chapter 38

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Desi's POV

Its been a few weeks since Cleo had the baby. I went to her house every single day after I took the kids to school to help her out. She did not have a mother to stay with her and neither did CJ. His mother died at birth. Chyna came round every night after she put her kids to bed and I spend the day with her. She was adjusting really well to this new mom life. The Adams came round to shower her with gifts and see the baby. CJ's twenty siblings have come round and travelled all over the world to see their new nephew.

"I really appreciate you guys." Cleo says as we sat down with our tea and coffees. Chyna had wine. They knew I was pregnant of course.

"Well what are best friends for?" Chyna says. "And sister in laws." She adds. Cleo was married Chyna's brother. I was married to Cleo's brother. Chyna and I's husbands are brothers. We was literally one big family.

"Okay so its been 4 weeks." Cleo says. "You guys can go back to normal life. You're pregnant. You need to rest. Besides Nick will kill me for over working you."

"Please Nick would lock me up if he could."

"So when will I be able to have sex again?" Cleo sighs.

"6 weeks? You might want to be careful because you get pregnant super fast." Chyna says. "Yep." I say. "Well 9 months after I got pregnant with Kai." I chuckle. "And Meghan got pregnant 4 months later." I add. "So Kai and Mariana are 3 months apart. Mariana was born prematurely wasnt she." Cleo says.

"Yeah. Our little twins." I chuckle. "Mariana pulled up her birth certificate online and she asked Nick why it said her mother is Meghan Campbell."

"She knew right? She used to call you aunt Desi."

"Yeah she knew. Its been a year since we got back together and the boys call me mom so she just got used to it when I took care of her. So I legally adopted her before we got married. I think we just failed to keep reminding her of Meghan. So she lost that memory. She is 6 years old." I sigh.

"Nick showed her a picture of Meghan and told her about her mother. How they had the same name."

"They do?"

"Mariana Meghan Marie and Meghan Mariana Marie." I explain.

"Did you know Meghan?" Chyna asks Cleo who chuckles. "I met Nick when we were 16? He was dating her then. Never really got along. We was just friendly. Then they dated again and again and again so we became okay?"

"I never knew her like that. Just those last months when she was pregnant and got with Nick but I just started dating Mason then."

"Yeah. We hated eachother." I chuckle. "The day she died- we made up because we were both had Nick's kids and we was one big happy family." I say. "I remember just thinking I'll be cordial. For my boys. Then her ex found her and shut the place up."

"Now we here." Cleo says sighing. "Having kids by different people must be hard."

"Yeah. The way Zain and Kai would cry leaving Mariana and their dad. Even if we was coming back. Felt like a bad guy. It was horrible."

"Well not youre one happy family. New baby on the way." She smiles and I chuckle. "Yeah. I hope so."

I head home and walk into my living room seeing the lights still on. It was only 11pm and Nick was probably up. Heather or Jane were never up after 10.

"Hey." I say taking my air forces off. I see Nick standing in the middle of the living room staring at Charlotte who sat on the couch. He looks at me and opens his mouth.

"Hi big sis." She says and I look at Charlotte and then Nick. "Hi?"

"So Charlotte was discharged today." Nick says. "No longer Demi?"

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