Chapter 10

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His brown hair was everywhere, in a very nice way- stop right there. I have a boyfriend, stupid me. I shouldn't be checking such beautiful guys out who have ruined their skin and face with ink and piercings and smoking until their lungs turn black.. Alright I shouldn't be hypocritical because I actually have quite a few tattoos scattered but nothing too serious.

Can I just talk about his perfect hair?


I had one of the strangest battles in me since ever and that massive thank you is directed to him due to wasting my time on gawking. Not.

Screw this! His pretty hair's mocking me. Valid excuse for checking him out, right? Without listening to my stupid voice, it's a definite yes.

Noticing that his eyebrows pulled together in bewilderment, I think I said something out loud when I wasn't supposed to...

Think Sammy think, what did I say?

"Stop mocking me" that's "exactly" what you said dipshit.

Thanks voice, I dearly thank you. Who on this sane planet blurts out "Stop mocking me" for seemingly absolutely no reason?! Wonderful! Now he thinks I've gone mad. Not that I care because I've mentioned before not seeing him around and I wish not to ever again.

I instantly looked away from him to avoid more awkwardness between us, I mean come on, my face was reddening like I've ran a race in the middle of the boiling hot summer. Summer here isn't that bad basically but temperature tends to rise for a few days then it'll cool down eventually.

"Sam" I snapped out of it and automatically became so jumpy thinking it was that strange yet beau- just strange and hostile guy.

"Zach?" BOOM! I suddenly remembered what happened a few.. How long has it been? Anyways I frowned and glared at him "What is it?" I snapped.

"I-I wanted to apologize" he sheepishly said, rubbing his neck and looking around awkwardly. His face was flushed from the amount of alcohol he's consumed, his hair was just above his eyes from messing it up too much and eyes twinkled like I've got him the first XBox ever made -if he didn't already buy that-. I don't think he noticed Mr.Hostile because of his drunken state, good though. I didn't need any suspicious people riding my back for the rest of my eternity.

"You know, "sorry for being such an asshole" is a great apology instead of saying "I wanted to apologize" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms stubbornly.

He clenched then unclenched his jaw "Listen" he pointed his finger down lazily at me, I just smirked and urged for him to continue. Then again, he rolled his glassy eyes and sighed "Look I'm sorry for my asshole-ish behavior. Happy?" I laughed bitterly at him, I know I'm acting like such a bitch but have you seen the way he acted? He didn't even sound the least bit sincere to begin with.

...And I go teach people not to act as low as others. Not being a hypocrite is such a hard task. My apologies. I partially blame the poor/hostile stranger, he made me this confused and irritated. Damn you for being so handsome.

"You say things when you're drunk" I quietly said shaking my head at him.

"N-nooo! I said I'm s-sorry" he frustratingly said, pacing back and forth, almost stumbling on his feet as he tugged on his hair.

Although his answer didn't quite have anything to do with what I said but I understood where he's getting at "I know you are.. actually not really. You're Zachary Riley, we've fought many times but that doesn't matter right now. I'm expecting a sincere apology from you, you as in sober you, not drunk Zach. Drunk Zach doesn't know what he's saying or doing"

I flinched as he started to cry, honestly I didn't know what wrong I've done to him this instant, all I knew was that he's sensitive when he's drunk, and rejecting him, being rude to him or anything else he might not like will only lead to tears which I've forgotten that would happen. I have never witnessed his reactions to a situation like this before but Austin advised me not to near him while he was drunk because he knew we'd fight one way or another, he knew what he'd do next and I'd regret yelling at him for being a jerk.

"P-please, I'm s-sorry!" I think I prefer the douchey version of Zach.. this one terrified me and I had no idea what to do.

This seemed like a cliche movie where the boyfriend begs for his girlfriend's forgiveness. In this case, it's Zach asking for mine except that we're never to be together .. that would be extremely weird. He won't lose anything if I didn't forgive him because we've been like this for ages, I know that I can't tolerate it, if I gave him a chance of being a good and loyal friend to me then he must act like one the way I'd do towards him.

I sighed "You're forgiven, admitting you're an asshole was a great accomplishment even if you were drunk"

"You won't let go of that will ya?" he smiled sadly.

"That won't change my mind about you. You're still an asshole but we can still be friends"

He thought for a second before replying "Good enough" I smiled and took his hand when he offered it, I got to my feet and hugged my... friend? Whatever this relationship is, it should be going well.

He kissed the hell out of my cheek, don't forget his drool mixed with the scent of alcohol wetting my face. I won't be surprised if Zach and Austin were brothers, but considering the way their parents and appearances, there is no way they're related. "How bout I drop you off to school?" he wore a sly smirk.

"No thanks, I wanna go to school alive. Get rested and drink loads of water" I chuckled at him.

I looked to my left and noticed the stranger was gone. Bummer... I liked the guy, he was great company.

SEE?! See what I just did there? Yeah I'm officially going insane. We were physically distant to start off with and he seemed hostile to even be great company. I for sure need a break from all this.


I asked this a lot of times but, can ya'll like seriously vote >.< ? Cuz ya know the votes are decreasing each chapter.. to like 2-3 votes :L

Oh and one more favor >.< XD read "Dissappeared" by @unitedweshallstay the book is boss.

Yes the double "ss" was purposely written :P

Guess the hottie in the picture ;))))

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