Chapter 11

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Someone's cold large hand covered eyes and since I couldn't guess who it was, I was being dragged somewhere dark. I'm guessing the janitor's closet or an empty classroom, otherwise it would be my grave. I fretted at the idea of being kidnapped but when I think about it you can't actually abduct someone without being uncovered. Let's be logical, we're within school grounds. Unless.. unless, that person was smart enough to get away with it.

"Let go of me you jerk" I felt suffocated due to the lack of space I was given, I struggled to get out of the idiot's grip but I relaxed and smiled at the scent of the familiar cologne. "Alan take your hand off me. You know I need to see"

"Damn it, you got me!" he smiled widely and kissed from my lips down to my neck then back up. To be honest it kind of tickled me. If someone were to tickle me, I get ticklish from afar. Yeah good luck trying to figure out what I meant, although it's not so hard to. I simply am ticklish before you even lay a finger on me.

"We're gonna be late for AP physics" I tried moving him off me gently, he wouldn't comply instead started to tickle me. "Cut it out!" I laughed so hard my stomach was igniting in pain.

"What's the magic word?" he grinned childishly.

"P-please! Just stop with the tickling!" my laughter seized once he did, I wiped the tears that have fallen using my finger and fixed my hair to avoid suspicions.

Suspicions... hmm

Mr. Strange and hostile pretty- it's very weird thinking about this while my boyfriend was holding my hand on our way to class. I blushed shamefully and took my mind off of him with Alan's beautiful face. "Did I mention how hot you look today" I bit my lip and looked at him, eyeing his plain t-shirt and jeans seductively. Wait I'm not even sure I can be seductive.

"What? Are you talking to me?" he asked in clear shock.

"Don't play dumb with me" I playfully scolded.

"My lady, you look as stunning as ever. You rock that blue hair" he lifted my hair from the wrong side. Where the imbecile Nathan decided to leave a mark on me; my neck. "From where's that?"

My eyes widened, my heart beat quickened "On your neck"

"That's from you silly! It's pretty obvious because you're the only one who I allow to touch and not some jerk" I mumbled the last four words and chuckled nervously, trying to play it all cool when in fact I could feel the sweat break under my armpits.

"You're lying to me again aren't you?" he tilted his head slowly, trying to get that creepy look he does whenever he figured me out.

"Again? Are you kidding me? When was the last time I lied to you?" I glared at him, I seriously don't recall lying to him.

However, he completely ignored my question "This wasn't from me. Last time it was from me was two weeks ago" he pointed to the tiny bruise fading.

"Remember you were drunk a few weeks ago when I came over?" I tried making up a lie, because Nathan shall face my wrath once I meet up with him.

"You didn't come over" he shook his head. "Nor did I drink"

"You probably hit your head hard while bike riding" I shrugged. He hates bike riding...

"Why would I do that? You know I hate it" Nice going Samantha Angel.

"You were riding drunk" I avoided his eyes that could shred me into pieces and tell the truth. I really wanted to tell him, but do you know how hard it was?

"I wasn't drinking, alright? Now tell me Samantha" woah, using my full name was never a good sign. I felt so tiny when he trapped me, no other way but telling him the truth.

Faded -On Hold/Editing-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora