Chapter 25

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A moan accidentally slipped out as he forced his tongue past my lips. I swear on my life it was accidental. Besides, it was because I didn't want to be raped by my lips again! Wait no, that doesn't really... Ugh why can't I have some peace and not be attacked by anyone trying to sexually assault me? I almost gagged at the scent of smoke mixed with alcohol coming from him.

I couldn't really pull away due to my wrists being trapped between his strong hands. "Are you drunk?" At least I was able to move my face, I pulled away and breathily asked.

He hummed in response about an inch away from my lips, he pressed his lips to mine a bit too harshly that I felt my lips go numb. Either that or his cold lips against my burning ones made me unable to distinguish the difference between hot and cold.

"Have you been smoking?" This is the second time I pulled away and it required much more force to do it. He was an amazing kisser but this was weird.. My ears even automatically blocked out the sounds of the sirens and shouts from the police officers because I didn't feel like being interrupted. And neither did he..

Once again, he hummed then slurred. "So? You don't mind me smoking" I almost laughed because he either tried to ask me that or he insisted I was okay with smoking.

He slowly wrapped my arms around his neck then his went around my waist, he begun to kiss me a bit less harshly. And to be honest, I felt ashamed to enjoy it. I felt ashamed to admit to myself that I felt something. This is the part where I wanted for someone or something to walk in on us so that I wouldn't have to feel anymore horrible than I already do.

And shit I can't do this to Alan. But can I stop it? No. Why you might ask? Because Nathan's just too good of a kisser. This made me feel like Andrei; a criminal yet a pedo. However, I am no pedo! So scratch that out.

I mentally punched myself when my hands reached for the hem of his shirt, I tried lifting it off his head but he grabbed my wrists immediately and looked at me with dark pleading bloodshot eyes. Is he insecure or something? I mean it's obvious that he's athletic and all so why so shy? Plus, with all do respect, he's a guy. "Please no" he mumbled against my lips and proceeded with our make out. I kept my index fingers hooked around the waist of his dress pants but didn't want what he thought I did. "Bad girl" he smirked and flattened my palms on his chest. Honesty, his voice sounded funny when drunk, but in a cute way. Was it possible that I couldn't recognize his voice?

"I wasn't trying anything" I said between heavy breaths, but this time for real I needed some air. It was getting awfully suffocating. The fact that I just showered which makes me drowsy didn't help and the pain that shot through my knee was even worse. Did I even care that moment that I was injured? Why care when I'm enjoying this?

Shit I'm doing this again... The whole enjoying this moment and such when my actions are clearly wrong. Alan will be pissed. I know it. But I just can't help myself.

I slowly dragged my hands down his solid chest until they reached inside his shirt, I wanted to tease him but he wouldn't let me. Again. And again with those puppy dog eyes that even without a source of light in this dark room, they could be seen crystal clear, except that the color of his irises sort of changed. I could sense the color but it wasn't quite clear. "No no" he shook his head. What is he hiding?

His swollen lips trailed down from my lips to my jaw, to everywhere on my face, his saliva practically created a mask on my face from all the kissing and such. It was really odd though, there was something not right about this. Other than the fact that I'm cheating on Alan.

Oh fucking shit I'm cheating on Alan.

I'd rather die than face him once we see each other.

"You, have two seconds to get the fuck off her..."


;O Who do you think that was?

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