Chapter 27

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He's been out of my sight for a few minutes, I decided to get up from my position and search for him because honestly, I had no idea where to go. Maybe his drunk brother decided to make out again, of course I'd reject him, I didn't need to feel worse than I already have. I kept replaying Nate's words in my head to give me the courage to be honest with Alan once I see him.

Faint voices were heard from behind the door that separated the room from the hall, I got closer, pressed my ear to the door and listened carefully. I know this was wrong but what else could I do?

"Don' you dare touch 'er ever again" his brother slurred, trying as much as he could to sound angry.

"What are you talking about?" Nathan challenged, is he seriously taking advantage of his brother's drunken state? Well to be fair I kind of did but he started it, he attacked me first.

"You love her?" The sadness in his tone made me feel the same way; sad. I just don't know, the way he said it made me feel that way. It is pretty sad that he thought Nate and I have some sort of relationship though.

"No I never will, and that's not your girlfriend. Your girlfriend's gone" Nate calmly said, trying to convince his brother that I'm not who he thinks I am. Wait, did he break up with his girl? Is that why he's drunk? Poor guy.

"No no no!" I was close to bumping my head to door at his sudden outburst. Jeez man...

"She left you, please accept that" Really Nathan? Is this what you call a relationship expert? Even your drunk brother can do better..

"NO! Leave me alone!" He slammed what I'm guessing was another door room or a bathroom door and I heard Nate sigh in exhaustion. My heart dropped as the door handle was twisting, I quickly jumped up and played asleep on the cozy bed.

"I know you're not asleep" he chortled. "I know you heard everything..." I gulped but didn't turn to face him. I've been caught, great. I'm normally not a nosy person but I thought I needed to hear their conversation.

"Your brother is downstairs" I shot up from bed for absolutely no reason, he just tricked me to prove his theory correct.

He laughed so hard that he had to hold his stomach. "You should've seen your face! Did you honestly think I didn't know you were awake?" he continued to tease me, I crossed my arms angrily and glared at him. The only reason I wanted to see my brother was to hug him then yell at him for leaving me alone. But then again, I'm the one who insisted to stay alone..

"Go away asshole, I wanna sleep" I mumbled and returned to the big bed as if I owned it.

"Alright alright" he left the room and turned off the light. He then turned it back on and poked his head through the door smirking "Oh and, nice bra"

I widened my eyes and threw the pillow on the bed in his face, he simply caught it and fired back. Weak shot but it still hit me because I was drowsy and feeling slow. "Pervert... Go away"

"Where am I gonna sleep?" I turned around in the comfy sheets to look at him in disbelief through on opened eye.

"In your dog house" I smirked.

"Wait how did you know I have a dog?" He glanced at me skeptically.

"Exactly, I didn't" I really didn't know they had a dog but oh well. I'm too good at knowing stuff without realizing it.

"Do you need anything before I go?" he asked.

"Nah I'm all good" I shrugged.

But then something crossed my mind. "Hey Nate"


I looked everywhere but in his black eyes, afraid he might go all bumbo jumbo on me. "Why was your brother-" I cut myself off when amusement was visible in his tired eyes.

"Why was my brother what?" he tilted his head with a faint creepy smile etched onto his features.

"Never mind" I muttered and shut my eyes.

"Samantha" I groaned in annoyance, can't he just shut up and leave me alone? "Your brother is really downstairs"

"You're lying.." I trailed off, finally fully facing him while I supported my body up with my arm.

"Not really" he scrunched his nose and shook his head. I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs like a child on Christmas. Even though this wasn't my house to move freely in, who cares?

There I saw a guilty looking Gabriel, Austin and Zachary sitting on the leather couch of the living room while Nate's mom talked to them about God knows what.

"Sammy" they all stood up, Zach was the first to hug me and apologize sincerely. They all did, Austin spun us side to side telling me how sorry and stupid he was for leaving me alone. At last, Gabriel, I hugged his waist because he was way too tall for me. He continuously apologized but I told him to shut up.

"You didn't call mom and dad right?" I anxiously asked.

"No not yet" he shook his head.

"Don't" they all gave me looks that read "you crazy". "I don't want to ruin their trip"

"Samantha this is an emergency" Gabe sternly stated.

"I was the one in danger, not you. Not any of you, so you have no right"

"We were sorry" Zach pouted and hugged me again.

"Whatever" I mumbled, my eyelids dropping from exhaustion. "Go home" I told them, they all seemed worried and perplexed for a moment there. "Go back to Madison's, I'll be fine here"

"We're not leaving you" Austin scoffed as if I've made the stupidest decision in the world.

"My friend is taking me to the station by tomorrow" I simply explained.

"We can take you"

"No, don't argue with me"

"Are you maaaaad?" Gabe whined.


"Then?" Asked Zach.

"I already have a ride" I started getting annoyed with them. I know they're only looking after me but I'm an adult. Nearly..

"What about Jill and Alan? What are you gonna tell them" Austin crossed his arms.

"Ill tell them exactly what they deserve to hear" this time I was referring to Alan more than Jill, I'll briefly explain to her, but Alan.. I don't think he'll want anything to do with me anymore. That's understandable, but after almost two years of loving him I don't think letting him go is just as simple as spending a dollar.


I won't be updating everyday until I'm done with midterms

>.< but I'll update on weekends mostly.


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