Chapter 17

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I sighed in both relief and frustration; glad that I've completed my stupid physics homework, frustrated that I still needed to study for stupid history. I needed Gabriel for this damned subject, there's nothing more miserable than studying about the government and presidents. The rain drops that fell against my large window made me smile and it eased my stress. I loved the rain, the smell of the damp soil was the best thing ever The sound was so calming and made me want to cuddle with my fuzzy blanket and drink hot cocoa while sitting beside the window.

Not only did the chilly whether make me want to watch every horror movie I own but it also made the house feel quiet. I love it when everyone's together at home and not mysteriously disappearing and coming back late at night.

Sometimes rain makes me feel like something's missing inside of me, making me feel sad and emotional. Don't ask me but I was never one to get pissed off at during weathers like this, I tend to get fragile, distant, lonely and... calm. I always had the need to sleep with food in my arms because it made me feel safe and loved. That sounded pathetic but did mention about being so lonely, I chose to be isolated from everyone else because this is the only moment of peace I enjoy, despite most of the year being this way; so rainy and stormy.

On the good part this is actually good for after studying; I get to clear my mind off anything as I please.

Sometimes I got sick of the weather being this way, especially in summer because at some point, the energy inside of me that's been stored needs to be released. I had to let my anger out on someone. I know I know, I feel shameful for taking out my anger on Zachary without him doing anything at all. Each time I felt like crying whenever I'd see him look so confused at why I was acting this way, believe me when I say I was heartbroken. Told you I was fragile, but he looked so innocent it was almost impossible to deny the guilt welling up inside of me. I wish he'd understand.

After studying a good two hours with the help of my one and only brother; Gabriel, I studied an extra hour reviewing over my notes. I didn't mention that I get lazy and tend to forget and lose my focus on things. I doze off too much when the quietness is just too much for me to bear. Call me insanely bipolar but I'm not the only one out there. Sometimes I just can't sleep through the rain either, I liked to sleep at the sound of the crickets at night, so I'd go down to Austin's room, not just for comfort, but he has my favorite Pringles and Mountain Dew in his fridge. Yeah, he owns a fridge in his room because he's just that lazy to get his ass all the way to the kitchen which is like just beside the living room.

"Children, in the kitchen immediately" my mother called us over with a small smile on her face as she entered the room where we all sat and watched an action movie.

"Again with the children" Gabriel mumbled. "Mom we're adults, sheesh" I chuckled, Austin rested his heavy arm on my shoulder while we walked over to where mom and dad sat. I was tired as usual, especially after studying so basically I wouldn't want to face plant on the hard ground. That'd me excruciatingly painful, might as well cause your nose to break.

"Since you know, it's our anniversary tomorrow" mom began, dad held her hand that was above the table and smiled at us. "We're traveling to Paris. Only for a week though so don't worry" I could tell she was really happy about this trip by the glow in her blue eyes. Her eyes seemed very familiar each time I looked into them. They reminded me of my sister who I missed dearly.

I was really happy that they finally decided they should take a break from all this work and business nonsense that I never understood. It would feel lonely without them but they need this trip. For the sake of their health.

"Go ahead! We'll be fine on our own. You guys need the break anyways, y'all are getting all wrinkly and you haven't taken a break from work. So yeah you should take advantage of your anniversary" Gabe rambled. "But remember, bring me every type of cheese" he pointed out.

"You only?" Zachary scoffed. "Conceited pig" he mumbled to himself, I highly doubted mom and dad heard him because they were still smiling sincerely.

"Gabe's right. You do need some fresh air, you might not know what tomorrow brings you" I stated, dad chuckled and placed his hand over mine. I looked mostly like my dad; same eyes, same smile (minus the wrinkles), same brown hair (well my hair is blue now). Now Gabe only had the blonde hair from my mom, he got the eyes from our grandpa.

"Are you guys sure you'll be alright alone? We can cancel our trip if you-"

"Mom" I chuckled. "Your son is 22, your daughter is an adult in a few months. So please. Besides, Austin and Zachary are here too"

"Your brother is irresponsible" Gabriel gasped at this. "Zachary keeps his eyes on the tv" Zachary scoffed as if what she just said wasn't true. "Austin is... well to be fair Austin is more responsible than all of you" At this, Austin nodded triumphantly and crossed his arms.

My mouth hung low at what she just said. "Mom! I'm more responsible than all of them" I huffed.

"Honey, you have school so you don't count" dad said.

"How does that have anything to do with anything!" I whined, stomping my foot.

"Austin is in charge and that's final. Don't burn the house down" Dad warned.

"Fine fine we won't" I absentmindedly replied.

"Are you saying you were willing to do so?" dad said incredulously.

"No no that's not what I meant- you know what? Never mind me. When are you guys heading to the airport?"

"Right now"

"Already?" I asked.

"Well yeah, it's 3:18 and we always like you leave early" mom shrugged.

"Fine then. We'll miss you guys" I hugged mom and kissed her cheek then went to dad. "Bring me back chocolate" I joked.

"I'll bring you the Effil tower if you want" he teased and kissing my forehead.

"We'll miss you dearly, Eli" Zachary mockingly cried, I was stunned that dad mirrored his actions and hugged him tightly as if he was leaving his best man forever.

"Mummy!" Gabriel attempted to act all British. He, Austin and Zach wrapped their arms around her petite body, here's an advice, never be in the centre of group hugs, especially when the three musketeers are surrounding you. They will literally crush under them you without their notice.

"Daddy!" My brother hugged my dad like a little kid. He never grows up, I swear.

"Have fun dude" Austin and dad did their famous handshake, "dude" though? He's too old to be called dude...

Dad retrieved his and mom's suitcases from upstairs and unlocked their car door.

"You're leaving without a goodbye" Madison popped out of nowhere and hugged my mom tightly. Wow, that was totally unexpected. Since when were these too close? No actually, since when was she 'this' nice to people? Madison hugs anyways?

"Have fun you two!" she smiled at them and waved as they drove to the airport. No one did anything but stared at her in bewilderment.

"What?" she questioned like she didn't know why we sent her strange looks.



-Her parents are going to Paris for their anniversary only for a week.

I posted chapter one of my Harry fanfic "I Can't" check it out! :D

Awww the book ranking is lower now #613 D: where are my readers, votes&comments?

I guarantee you the next chapter has action and the ones after, just please help get the book's raking higher :(

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