Chapter 18

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The thunder storm didn't help put me to sleep and neither did staying home alone. It was a stupid mistake for not calling Jill. Too late anyways, I'm pretty sure she won't be satisfied to be awaken from her beauty sleep.

Alan had the flu so it would be selfish of me to ask him to come over, I wouldn't come over either because I couldn't leave the house by itself. I'm responsible now.

I couldn't simply destroy Gabe's, Zach's and Austin's sleep over at Maddy's without feeling guilty. I just couldn't do that. What's worse is that if I decided it would be great to make mom and dad cancel their anniversary trip to Paris because apparently their whiny daughter didn't like to stay home alone. They'll only be gone for a week so I'll be fine. Besides, the three musketeers won't come until tomorrow in the after noon. So I'm not entirely alone after all.

Think about the time you chased your brother around with your dad's shoe when you were five

I giggled to myself like an idiot at the memory. Anyone would probably think I have some sort of mental issue for laughing with myself, but as long as that keeps me preoccupied from thinking about candy man or bloody marry that might be hiding under my bed then I'm all good. It sounds childish to think that monsters might appear in your room, but I just can't help it!

You should have called Nathan

Noooo! That's a BIG N-O! BAD idea! Stupid inward voice doesn't know what it's talking about even though I'm talking about myself... what if he's at Ian's house? Wait, that's isn't the issue here. He's only next door! Plus I don't want to show those two that I'm weak. I can handle just this one little night. What worse could happen? The doors have bazillion locks also the password is difficult, I'm the one who put the lock code anyways.

Slowly, I drifted off into a deep sleep. Kidding. I drifted off into what I like to call "Stage one sleep". That's when I subconsciously know what's going on. But when it comes to what I love to call "Stage seven sleep", that's when I'm in deep sleep. No obnoxious subconscious. Only the heavy sleeper me. That only happens on school nights, sadly. This whole "Stage sleep" thingy may seem ridiculous to you but hey, shut up ...

Why did I have to get all anxious about the fact that I'm alone? Because I should be. There might be a killer on the loose and I didn't even check the news for anything, although I highly doubted it since mom and dad didn't say anything about any recent homicide or theft. I guess I'm safe then.

What time is it? Great, it's one in the freaking morning and I'm still stupidly subconsciously sleeping.

Oh and, remember when I said "I'm safe"? Ya know, I'm just that silly to think so because I am definitely not. Who the hell do I think I am, assuming I'm safe when I clearly, and don't forget subconsciously, heard someone talk.

No I wasn't hallucinating, you don't simply hear whispers along these lines "Check the rooms" in a creepy whisper.

You just simply don't. I was not dreaming. I wasn't taking drugs before I slept, and I certainly am not exaggerating either. I know I said the house is full on security and bananas. Still though, these assfaces seemed skilled enough to break in.




-Samantha is home alone as obvious as that seems.

-The "three musketeers" are at Madison's house for a sleepover.

-She couldn't call Jill in the middle of the night... (I personally would be infuriated).

-Alan had the flu and she couldn't leave the house.

-... She says someone was in her house.

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