Chapter 22

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It's dark in the bathroom so I couldn't really see anything. However, since I've been in this house for years, I memorized it like a pirate would do with a treasure map. My clammy and shaky hand reached out for the cool metal handle of the door that led to my brother's room. Now that I used my brain, I pressed my ear to the white door, making sure the coast is clear. I'm lucky to be me. Haha I'm kidding, I'm not lucky to be trapped by two oblivious thieves with weapons and a pedo that raped my lips... Egh, I wiped them viciously in disgust then went back to making one of the most difficult tasks in life other than getting up from bed; opening the door. The scary old man could be waiting for me right out that door with that rape smile etched to his face under the dim light of the moon and his most likely machine gun pointed to my forehead.
I had to risk. There was no way I could get out of this without risking. I don't care if I die because I'd just die a brave teenager. Perhaps I'd inspire people.
Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that. We all know you won't be on the front page of the magazine.
Right. Back to the door handle. So I curled my fingers around it tightly and slowly pushed it down. Once again, I'm lucky nothing creaked in this house. And walah! Nothing was there waiting before me, just Gabe's bed and other crap he stored in there. His room didn't contain any dangerous weapon that could come in handy, basically I needed to get to the kitchen before they could get to me. Let them find out someone's here first.
If Andrei the pedo were to find you he'd kill you. He won't hesitate. Don't take this lightly.
Thanks Sherlock. Like hell I'd take this lightly! You wish I'd let him find me. You wish I'd let him near me. Don't underestimate me. Never underestimate an Angel.
I feel like such a wise person. Maybe the first two are true.. But do you really think the last two are? Because I don't. I don't.
The old man is no longer outside this room, I guess he went to help Victor. At least I hope he did, I just needed some time to-where is Andrei? Shit I can't do this if I don't know where Andrei is or the old man.
Fuck everything. I peeked out the opened door, it was all clear. My theory is 99% proven correctly, maybe Andrei is really hungry enough to eat the entire food in the kitchen. What was I thinking, though? Do you really think they'd let the second floor unwatched? Think again.
My theory is proven incorrect. Pedo was told to stand in the end of the hall, his big gun in both his hands resting on his black baggy pants and shirt. There was no hat covering his blonde hair, it was like he was a military soldier. Minus the color black and devious looks.
I'm sooo lucky everything was dark, no light was switched on. They really don't realize they're making this way to easy on me? Fine maybe not way too easy, they wouldn't turn on the lights anyways, that'd be ridiculous.
He was kind of jumping in place. Could be of boredom. Could be because he needs to take a piss. I go with option two. If so... then he'd use mom and dad's bathroom.
I sighed in relief when he marched to my parents' bathroom, now I could descend from the stairs that faced the wall, the master room was a meter away from the top of the stairs.
I swiftly ran down the stairs, the rug beneath my bare feet muffled my perchance, loud steps. At the first floor, it was also dark, but it was clearer to see because if the many windows that would allow the dim light of the full moon to illuminate in the darkness of the house.
I crouched at the last stair case, looking around for any sign of anyone, luckily, they were in my dad's small office. I could tell by the lamp light that would shine through the glass doors of the office. I think they want something from there. Whatever it is, that's not what mattered now, my safety was the priority. That isn't selfish because anyone would want me to save myself and forget about whatever they were after.
My eyes landed on the set of knives beside the oven, just what I need. Wait why do I need it? I could just simply run down into the basement and do outside from there, with all the rain pouring on me, the damp soil filling my nostrils, the deafening sound of the thunder. I'll be safe.
What if. Just what if, you were to be attacked you doofus?
This is too easy though. Too easy for me to just run off like that. What if more men were with them? I need to take a deep breath and forget about the what ifs. Just grab ahold of a knife.
Let's hope they aren't as skilful as they seem. Let's hope dad won't be furious with me for being such a coward. What if dad did really store Medusa's head in his office?
What the frick Sam? Just... get your ass in the kitchen.
This is the slowest I have walked in my life yet, I gripped the railing with one hand and clenched the other as I laid my foot gently on the dark wood floor. That reminded me, why wasn't the floor down here carpeted?
Because the kitchen is across the staircase.
I looked behind me in case Andrei noticed my absence, let's take a moment and pray to god that he didn't enter my room. I'll teach that prick a lesson once I make it out here alive and call the cops. If I took the house phone with me, it would make a little beep sound. If its too far from its base, there would be no signal. If I wasn't so stupid, I would've snatched my phone from my drawer.
Thank The Lord Victor and the old man were busy with whatever the hell they were doing in the office, I would do anything to stay away from them. And anything is my escape.
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