Chapter 32

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Whoever this "new kid" was, he shall get used to this school that'd make his life a living hell. I looked at the girl with an expression that read "Okay?" obviously I had no interest in seeing the new kid. She peeled off my navy blue jacket and examined my frizzy hair like some professional.

"You really need to do your hair. Just- I'll fix it for you" she took a red hair tie from her makeup bag and tied my hair up in a bun. My hair was a bit more acceptable but my face was still... plain. "A little foundation should do it. Besides, we wanna surprise everyone tonight once we make you the definition of perfection. You're coming to my place today" she said, determined.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"I don't know to be honest, I thought you could use some friends after what happened between you and Alan.. and you and Jill" she awkwardly replied.

"Um ok but I barely know you" I chuckled.

"Don't worry silly, I'm not here to kidnap you. We're your fellow classmates; I'm Ashley, the blondie is Sarah and the purple head is Lexi" oh now I remembered them! They're from Bio and AP Physics. I used to always see Ashley's blonde head right in front of me and Sarah next to her while Lexi sat in the back to sleep.

They were all drop dead gorgeous.. Except me. I looked like the ugly duckling with light and dark blue hair. "Did something click in your head?" Ashley giggled, she was rather sweet and her big blue eyes made her look way younger than the rest of us. Sarah was the perfect example of a party animal with her crazy moves at every party. You might think Lexi is emo and a pothead but she's nice, her smile is bright and her features were not as dangerous as you'd think. But when she gets her hands on a liquor bottle... forget it. I've learned all this from the classes we shared and the parties I've attended. Natalie used to compete with Sarah on the dance floor of the host's home out of jealously, Denise would with Lexi. Ashley just sat there and cheered for her friends that usually won.

Once I remember something, I remember it perfectly...

"Fine I'll come but where do you live?" I asked, she instead saved her number on my contacts and I saved mine on hers, Lexi's and Sarah's just in case.

Gosh do I miss Jill, but she did this.

I miss Alan and I did this.

"C'mon guys, the new guy should arrive now" Sarah excitedly jumped, her curls jumping with her. Lexi unplugged the curler and hid it under the sinks for it to cool down so that she'd grab it after we see enough of the new kid.

Mutters were heard from the crowd outside the bathroom so we tried to squeeze our way through the people. Once we managed to push through everyone, the new kid stood there looking lost and confused to why everyone was staring at him like owls would do at night. Natalie, of course, was the first one to walk up to him. All eyes were on him except Alan's, he gave me a sad look and by his face I could tell he didn't sleep. I ignored him because I didn't want to breakdown again, instead I looked at Jill who was staring at Natalie and the new guy angrily. Could she be jealous that Natalie was talking to him?

Naaaaah that's absurd!

However, damn must I admit, the new kid was hot although I couldn't make out his features, because of little miss Harrison in her big heels. He kept looking around while he was trying to form a coherent sentence to utter, Denise gave her some space to have her way with the guy. Until his blue eyes met mine, it was like the world has stopped and the air around me was gone...


FINALLY! Ze new kid is in town 😏 New kiddo is in the picture above, isn't he familiar *wink*wink*

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