Chapter 19

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Holy mother fucking shit. They're close! I try calming my nerves, I try not to cry, I try not to piss in my bed -that'd be disgusting anyways- I try thinking of the will I should've written yesterday.

Hm let's see:
No one has the right to take my car; you simply can't just take my grave. Yes, I want to be buried in my car, 100 feet underground because I can.

Wait, no I can't because I'll be dead.

My phone is very personal. Now I don't care where I am, no one has the right to unlock my phone. It has the hardest passcode because the passcode's simply passcode (which no one can guess because they don't think I'm that stupid to create a password that easy). Anyways my phone has VERY private stuff, like top secret that even it tops the secrecy. I'm in no mafia gang so no worries.

All my money goes to Zachary, not for video games of course. Definitely not! I want him to have my money to buy himself a brain to use. Offensive? Yes. Do I give a flying fuck? No. Why am I being such a jerk? Because I can offend anybody when my death is close, so don't even be a whiny bitch head. I'm the one facing death not you.
My room, my stuff. No one should think about it. Not even breathe its air. My room is for my dear non existent platypus.
Dear Mom&Dad
I'm sure I pissed in my bed before I had passed. Do me a favor and get me a new bed sheet. I love you.
Your lazy daughter,
Salamander-> Because they're cute. Oh and get me one please. Thanks!

Dear Alan,
You're dead girlfriend won't be seeing you any longer. As obvious as that sounds. Anyhow, I love you more than I love my good ol non existent fish- wait, was it a fish or platypus? *Checks the will* Oh yeah, it was the platypus. Let's just call it Platty because it's possible. Heaven is probably waiting for me, if not hell. At my funeral, if you cry I will jump out of my grave as a ghost and haunt you. I want you to dance. Yes, I want you to do the hokey pokey because I love that song/dance. If you do, then that'll make me happy and not your face peeing or anyone else's.

Your decaying girlfriend,
Samantha Angel-> Ironic huh? I'm sure I'll be Samantha Devil...
Dear Jill, AKA Jills or Jilly, peanut butter etc.
Take care of Platty.

The Platty's mad owner,

P.S. Tell mom and dad to bury the French cheese with me because I don't want to starve in my grave.

Your stupid bud,
I had no time continuing the mentally written letter to Jill because I felt one of the assholes tower my soon-to-be-dead body.

After that, the mentally written wills and letters have vanished from my memory from fear. Goddamn! I took forever writing those!

"Look who we have here" I literally melted-not the good melted- at his terrifying voice.
CALL ME STUPID AND WEIRD AND A MORON AND AN IDIOT BUT I GOT THE iOS 6 :D!!! Yes I was that lazy to that that ages ago..... I was too lazy backup my iPod. Actually when I tried backing it up, it didn't work so I was like "Who needs backup when you're a ninja u-u" get it? No? Ok then... anyways yeah it feels so weird to have the new iOS ^_^
Sorry for the lame chapter >.<

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