Chapter 31

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I drove with my new Mustang to school. It was dope! The day I got my car I promised the three musketeers a ride because I felt bad. Their car keys were taken, their phones, their laptops, electronics in general including their video games. That was... the death of them basically. But they did sort of cheer up when I drove them through the neighborhoods on full speed, it was fast but I was sure to slow down whenever there were children playing outside or cops were close. I went over to see Dylan that day since his other brother, Daniel, insisted on taking care of him. So Nathan took Dylan to him before we went to the police station. I didn't get to meet him because I was in the kitchen eating some more of that delicious chicken Paula has cooked while he took his little brother with him and his girlfriend to the park.

To be fully honest, I wasn't all that excited. I've been ignoring Alan's calls since yesterday non stop until he came over to talk to me. At first he kept hugging me and kissing me, asking me why I haven't called him to stay at my house the night I was alone. I broke down in his arms and eventually told him that I absentmindedly cheated on him. Yeah he didn't take that well... He was furious but listened to what I had to say nonetheless. When he asked who I cheated on him with, my response was "I made out with a complete stranger" He.. Uh how can I say this in words? Walked away without uttering a word? Disappeared? Left me? Dumped me just by simply storming off? Wanted some time apart, to think? I tried calling him several times but this time he was the one ignoring me. I cried myself to bed for being the most terrible person on this face of planet.

"I heard she got raped by one of the criminals, ya know, Tyson the with adorable blue eyes. He was kind of hot" that rumor caught my attention. Is she fucking serious?! She actually described a criminal's blue eyes as adorable?! Wow that's just sad. He, for starters, is 29 so there is no way "adorable" is the right word for him or his goddamned eyes. She didn't even seem to care if I was alright, I did nothing to her and I sensed her... disgust that I got "raped" by a pedo with adorable blue eyes...? A. I wasn't raped. B. he was not hot even if he was. Overall, being a criminal does not make you attractive.

I tugged the hood as it begun to slip off my head and buried my fists deeper into my light jacket's pockets.

"Where's Al?" Someone mocked from behind me. Rather an obnoxious, squeaky voice that screamed "FAKE" just like her ass. I flinched at his nickname, the anger boiling inside of me.

I turned around and crossed my arms at her "Why do you care?" I challenged, suddenly feeling the guilt well up in me but didn't let it show.

"Just... wondering" she slowly circled me, peeling my hood off in process, revealing a mess of my hair.

"Someone's had a bad day" she giggled irritatingly loud that my ears would've bled if I haven't been used to this. How can she find her laughs cute?

Once she was in front of me again, her basically ten inch heel dug into my foot. Shit that hurt like fuck. My Supras that were kinda thick didnt even ease the pain.

I hissed, and tried my best not to cuss her out. Something was different, she wore her most outstanding outfit consisting of a yellow crop top almost revealing her chest that read "HOT". Just almost. And fiery red shorts that basically showed her so called ass. The boots she wore was the tallest of them all; sleek knee length boots. Who the fuck wears revealing clothing in the end of summer? Chicago basically isn't always warm, so one might as well check the weather before stepping a foot out the house.

Denise wore nearly the same, just different style and colors. However, not as outstanding as her owner. Both their hairs were straightened perfectly, not one piece of hair was bent or out of place.

"What's the new look for?" I cocked my eyebrow and crossed my arms. She blushed deeper than the deep pink blush she applied on her caked face.

"I always dress elegantly" she tried to reason. Ok yeah, "elegant". Clearly she has no idea what the word itself means. If what she wore was elegant then my poor excuse of an outfit was worth millions.

"Whatever attracts guys to you, Harrison" I smirked and walked off like that. I didn't wait to see her priceless expression because just by her silence, you can already tell she tried to stay calm.

"At least I'm proud of my perfect body and I'm not afraid to show it like some people!" She shouted as if she tried to make the best comeback in the history. As if..

I entered the bathrooms only to find three girls I've seen before in my classes, curling their hair.

"Samantha Angel!" One of the girls exclaimed with a genuine smile, she gave the curler to her friend and gave me a bear hug like we haven't seen each other in years. Just so you know -and not to be rude- we weren't even close to be friends.. "I could not imagine what you went through! Oh my god are you ok?"

I nervously laughed, trying to think of a way to answer her. "I- uh... well I'm feeling great" liiiiieeeees.

She was quick to respond, and by that I mean the second I finished my sentence she said "Bullshit" and gave me that I'm-not-an-idiot head shake. "You look like shit" she eyed me up and down in pity, not the kind of pity that Natalie felt towards me. This was kind of... sincere pity.

"Gee thanks" I rubbed the back of my neck, shrugging.

"Break up?" she cocked her brow, I nodded in surprise. This girl's an expert.

"You and Alan are like the best couple. Buuuuut! Forget about him for now, tonight there's a party and you have to come! But of course we're not getting ready right now. It's just..." she looked around and blushed. When parties occurred, usually it was done on school days just so the students wouldn't come the next day.

Her painted purple lips formed a straight line, obviously trying to hide the excitement in her voice. "There's a new kid coming today..."


Guess the new kid 😏 Comment and vote!

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