Chapter 38

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"Hey there pretty lady" the fact that he referred to me only made me blush like crazy, but Ashely scoffed at his rudeness. "Oh hey" he bluntly said to her.

She seemed taken aback by his disrespectfulness and said "Imma go say hi to Josh"

"Who's Josh?" I whispered to her, she shrugged her shoulders, not knowing anyone of that name and walked inside before I can comment.

"Before I forget, mind me asking you a question?" despite meeting him just today, I was way too curious to know.

"Not at all" he flashed me a toothy grin.

"W-what were you doing that day-" I was oh-so-respectfully interrupted by "it".

"Heeeey shortaaaaay!" Ian slurred, leaning on my shoulder in order not to fall. Nathan laid down on the lawn beside Ethan's feet as he admired the stars above with that silly smile on his red lips.

"Gee thanks" grinning, he looked down on me with red eyes, I tried my best not to inhale the smell of alcohol that reeked his breath.

"You were saying?" Ethan asked.

"Oh nothing, never mind" he let it go then angrily walked inside without a word. Did I offend him? Or did I say something wrong?

Damn he needed to work on his issues. "What crawled up his ass?" Ian lazily laughed as though he was a crackhead.

"Mind getting off me?" I pressed my lips together.

"Errrrr uuhhh... No" he gave me a sarcastic look.

"Look at the stars" Nathan watched the stars above with wide glassy eyes. Ethan's bipolar. Ian's high. Nathan's acting childish. Someone kill me now.

"Eeehhhh you two should sober up..." I felt bad for leaving them outside and drunk but they weren't alone, there were quite a few people so they're safe.
Nathan won't go anywhere as long as he's admiring the romantic view; the stars. And Ian's probably going to start singing in a horrible voice and/or mock everyone out here. Told you they'll be fine.

I looked for him everywhere, yet I found someone else; Alan kissing Natalie's neck in the corner. I felt so sick in the stomach that the pain is incomparable to a stomach flu.

I was completely destroyed, I don't care if we weren't together, but we both knew that we loved each other.

He must've noticed my gaze burning right through them because he looked at me with bloodshot eyes. He was drunk. Of course. His ocean eyes softened and filled with regret. I turned around to find Ethan looking angry as ever with clenched jaw and fists as he burned holes through Alan. I still haven't figured out why was he this angry, for this part mainly, considering the fact that we've known each other for two days. Barely even.

"I'll show that piece of shit" be muttered bitterly under his breath. Natalie smirked at me and wiped the red lipstick off her swollen lips. Someone bring me a doctor please.

"Ethan don't" as much as I tried to higher my voice, it only came out as a squeaky whisper which definitely could not be heard over the loud music.

My body went numb as Ethan's fist went straight through Alan's jaw. Nat seemed to enjoy the show. Ok she was just making out with my ex boyfriend, and now she's enjoying the scene of him being beaten up. Talk about confusing.

A small crowd begun to form around them and sooner, that small crowd grew into a larger one. Even the drunk ones yelled out incoherent words which would've normally sounded funny if it wasn't for my puzzled and hurt state.

"Stop this!" Jill yelled but no one heard her. I felt empty, my ex is completely lost, unable to process what was going on and my ex best friend is hopelessly yelling for Ethan to stop from the other side of the circle.

I should move my ass.

"Ethan stop this right now!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, finally my body went back to normal. It was silent by the time I walked over to them, he had Alan's black shirt fisted in one hand and the other right above his face, ready for the fifth blow. "STOP" my voice cracked and I fell to the ground beside Alan, yanking Ethan's cold hand off him. Sorrow was buried behind his blue green eyes, his dark brown hair was messier now and his knuckles were bloody.

"Go away you asshole!" I shouted at him. No one seemed interested in the scene anymore so they went back to doing what they did best.

"I-I'm sorry" he muttered.

"Save it bastard" I seethed. "Leave" and he did, although I felt guilty, the look on his face make me want to break down.

"Alan" I caressed his cheek that wasn't bruised, he was barely conscious and could hardly open his eyelids.

"Sammy" he smiled slightly and copied my actions. "Don't leave me again"

I furrowed my eyebrows "I didn't, you left me"

Take it easy, he's drunk.

Stupid voice is right again but I hate being blamed for something I didn't do. Drunk or not, it pissed me off.

"Can we go home?" he asked lowly.

"We aren't together, and you'll probably leave in the morning" I sadly smiled at him, my eyes watering.

"Oh ok then. Natalie can you take me to your place? My mom doesn't like it when I drink" she smirked victoriously at me, how dare he ask for a ride from her? I cannot help but feel betrayed, why not ask Jill instead? I ran to the bathroom, attempting to squeeze my way through the crowd.

"Maybe he did deserve it" I mumbled to myself. Angry that I upset Ethan again, angry for stopping him from giving Alan that one last blow. Being drunk is never an excuse for your asshole-ish behavior.

A knock sounded from the door, I got irritated once the obnoxious knocks continued. I'm not in the mood for this right now.

"Go away you fucker, this bathroom's occupied" I grunted.


The door opened to reveal him.

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