Chapter 21

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As you can all see, I've gone mad. Literally, completely insane over those two thieves whom decided it would be cool to scare me shitless in the middle of my damn stage one sleep.

"Victor did you unlock it yet?" a low voice spoke through the walki talki. The voice seemed to come from the hallway probably close to Gabriel's room.

Fuck Gabriel Angel. Fuck Zachary Riley. Fuck Austin Fields. Inconsiderate nut heads. Oh so now you're pissed? Oh fuck it, I have the right to anyways. I'm the one in the middle of danger trying to dig my way out of it.

HOLD THE FUCK UP! Victor... there are three because Andrei was probably eating the food we had in the pantry while Victor unlocked "it". Whatever that is. Is it just me or am I so stupid that I realized they're talking about my dad's safe? Does dad have a safe anyways? I know nothing anymore, too focused on my supposedly escape plan I'm supposed to plot in my messed up head.

Ok so, three professional American men. One that's a pedophile that saved my dear life because he apparently liked the gross kiss I didn't return. The other old man seemed mean, that's so going to make me braver. Not. Victor or whatever you want to call that douche sounds creepy although I don't want to encounter him. Any of them even.

As a kid, I always wanted to be a ninja. And that was my chance. Be a ninja. Yeah right, this is real life shit not a virtual game where you get to have sticks and knives-

Knives... we have a big one in the kitchen downstairs. That'll do.

Plan a way to get out of bed first, idiot.

That's the hardest task yet. Let's do this then. On three!:


Two... damn getting out of bed is hard.

Thr- BOOM! Or that's at least how I hear the thunder as. I feel scared to leave my comfortable queen sized bed. I take a quiet but deep breath and slowly open my eyes; no one's in here but the door's opened. On my right there's a slide door and a normal door to close both entrances for the bathroom. If you go straight, you enter Gabe's room. For some apparent reason, we share the same bathroom. Just my luck, huh?

Gabriel... I'm going to kill that mofo if I don't get killed first.

I take my time getting out of bed, you never know, they might be like freakin bats that can sense your presence. I try not to pant because getting out of bed was so much work this time.

It was freakin two in the morning. Have I been making plans and writing down mental wills for an hour now? Wow, I must really belong in the looney house.

Thankfully the bed doesn't creek, or else I would've been dead meat (a/n it rhymes ;> )

I don't tip toe my way to the slide door because Dora is such a damn lier, she thinks she's the hero trying to get us caught in a life-death situation. Obviously, the burglars can sense the pressure, since the surface area is very little. Laying my foot flat is the correct way to make my way out of risky situations, more surface area less pressure. Thank god to whoever created physics was smart enough to prove that childhood corrupter and her banana butt of a monkey, wrong. I hope swiper eats them both... no I don't watch Dora anymore FYI.

The door wasn't opened much, I didn't want to open the door anymore because that'll cause a lot of noise. So I squeezed my way through the door, clenching my teeth while doing so. I let out a huge, yet remember, a quiet sigh as I made it inside the bathroom; sounds like an adventure, huh? The door to Gabe's room was closed so basically I was more than screwed. I was on the edge of deat- I shouldn't go there, know why? Because I just figured I'm a black belt, my skills would never fade. Therefore, I felt this was too easy on me, but remember, these are skilled thieves not any teenager willing to rob people's houses. I watched too many movies so I know how this shit goes. Yet it's different in reality. It's either the thieves are smarter or dumber than I think they are.


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