Jerry Ortega (Catch up)

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How you meet...

You cousin Steve had told you about a guy living in Hawaii that love conspiracy theories. You also liked them. Not to the point where they controlled your entire life but enough to want to know about them and seeing if they true or not. You had found about some treasure map and decided maybe he could help. So you found out his address from Steve and went to find him. You knocked on the door and his mother answered. Of course he would be living in his mother basement you thought as she took you down there.

"Jerry there's someone here to see you" his mother said.

"Who" he says coming out.

"Hi I'm (y/n) I thought maybe you could help me with something. My cousin Steve said you could" you say.

"I'm going to leave you two to it" his mother says going back up stairs.

"What do you need help with" he asks.

"Treasure" you say and you can tell straight away its peeked his interest.

Who you related to...

Steve - Cousin

Song that describes you...

Carbon leaf - What About Everything?

How he asks you out...

He asks you out in a strange way which you would expect from him. He left clues leading you to all different places. It was strange because you didn't know what was going on until you found that final clue but you didn't mind because you where having a lot of fun hunting down all the clues.

When you got to the final clue jerry was standing there in a suit and tie waiting for you with a bouquet of yellow roses.

"Hey I know we only known each other for a short while but we where having so much fun decoding the map and I just wondered...." He stopped talking getting so nervous.

"Are you asking me out?" You say taking the roses from him and smelling them.

"Yes I am and will you" he asks.

"Well finally you ask" you giggle.

"Wait what" he says confused.

"What I like you and you mother said you wanted to ask me out" you say smiling.

"Mom" he grinds out.

"Hey she loves you, so when's this date" you say.

"Now" he replys.

First I love you...

You had finally managed to decode the map and find your way to the site of the treasure the only problem was that someone had beaten you both to it. You didn't mind though because at least you guys had managed to prove that it was true.

Obviously no one would believe that it was real or that you had found it but you guy knew and you did it together. You loved been in each others company.

The other members found out your dating...

You had met the rest of the five-o task force after you moved to Hawaii. You where Steve's cousin so of course you would be hanging around the office a lot more.

They all knew that you and Jerry had become friends and where working on something big. They that thought it was cute though.

They found out before you when Jerry walked in and got so nervous that he blurted out in front of everyone instead of just Steve that he wanted to ask you our. Of course they all thought it would be a good idea because you're a perfect match for him. So in the end the whole task force team helped him and gave you there best wishes that everything worked out for the both of you in the end.

First date...

There was a table already set up, with candles and wine glasses, with a good bottle of white wine next to the table. Kamakona had served a three course meal with shrimp and spam of course. You had fun.

By the end of the night you just knew that Jerry was the one for you. Just like he knew that you where the one for him.

First kiss...

It wasn't really romantic because Jerry was really nervous. You see Kono had dressed you and driven you around so Jerry had given you a lift home. You could tell he was shaken when he pulled up outside Steve's house where you were staying. You quickly leaned in and kissed him.

He returned it awkwardly. You said bye after the kiss and ran up the pathway into the house. After you closed the door you watched him leave through the window.

Who you jealous of...

Your not really Jealous of anyone because he's nervous around new people, more so around girls.

*Lou Grover
*Max Bergman
*Duke Lukela
*Catherine Rollins

Sorry about all the names but I've been binge watching Hawaii Five-o from the beginning and can't help it.

Don't worry the catch up list is getting shorter and will get back to doing more on the other characters again soon.

Love from

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