Lou Grover (Catch Up)

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How you meet...

You where with you younger cousin Kono at the golf course. The thing is even though you where older than her you acted younger, way younger than her. You where pretending to play golf but the both of you knew you where trying to hit them at people. Or at least pretending to you where making sure to miss them.

When suddenly you didn't miss you hit some poor guy on the head. Kono turned around giggling while your face went bright red. You ran over to help him up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that" you say panicking.

"Its fine" he said now rubbing his head which you could tell a bump was forming on his head.

"I'm not really good at golf" you say wincing.

"I can see that. Although in all fairness I've been watching you and your friend and you both seem to be trying to hit people than actually play" he says. You blush even more at that.

"I'm so sorry again" you say quickly trying to walk away.

"I'm Lou Grover I've worked with Kono before" he says.

"(Y/n), she's my cousin, and your a cop" you say shocked.

"Swat leader and why the shocked look" he says.

"You don't look like a cop. I've got to go bye" you quickly say running off.

Who you related to...

Kono - younger cousin
Chin - cousin, round about the same age

Song that describes you...

James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go

How he asks you out...

He asked Chin for your number. At first Chin was confused about why and didn't really want to give it to him. He finally caved when Lou told him why exactly. He first gave him a huge speech about if he hurts you.

He finally gave him your number. He phoned you straight after work and asked you out.

"I thought you where married" you remember Chin and Kono saying something about him having kids.

"Divorced two years now" he says.

"Oh sorry" you say secretly glad.

"Hey its fine" he answers.

"OK I'll go on the date with you. As long as it isn't golf" you say laughing.

"At the risk of getting a golf ball to the head again its not golf" he tells you also laughing.

First I love you...

You where over at his house a couple of dates later. You where sitting on the couch watching a movie when he paused it.

"I was wondering if you would like to meet my kids some day soon" he asked you.

"Yes I would love to" you say with a smile.

Just than the door flew open and you heard a voice.

"I can't take moms stupid rules...." His daughter said walking in but stopping seeing you.

"Hey sweetheart this is (y/n)" Lou said to her.

"Finally dad. Hey I'm Amanda (I think that's her name)" she says.

"Go to your room" Lou says. "I love you so much" he says to you after she goes.

"I love you to but I should get going bye" you say.

"Bye" he says pecking you on the cheek.

The other members find out you two are dating...

Chin already knew because Lou asked him for your number and told him why he needed it. Kono knew because she was more like your sister than your cousin, you told her everything that was going on in your life.

You where at HPD because your a psychologist for HPD. You waited in the lobby for Grover and he finally came down. He came down and you went to walk out holding hands.

"When did this happen" Danny says seeing this.

"What happened" Steve says confused until he sees. "Oh congratulations I guess"

"Yeah congratulations" Danny says.

"Well thank you" you tell them.

"Yeah thanks" Lou says sarcastically, "no jokes" he glares at them.

First date...

Grover was old school when it comes to dating. He took you on a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant and payed for everything. Made sure everything was expensive.

He even bought you an outfit for the date. You where upset and didn't want him to but in the end you allowed him to. You had fun and surprisingly weren't drunk. You where tipsy he was OK. He drove you home and walked you to the door, he then kissed you.

First kiss...

He kissed you on the first date after he walked you up to the door. It wasn't like you two where two horny teenagers.

It was romantic and sweet, and only lasted for a minute or two. Afterwards he pecked you on the lips and then said goodbye. You went inside and only then did he go back to his car. Only once he made sure you where completely safe and inside.

Who you jealous of...

His ex wife of course

*Max Bergman
*Duke Lukela
*Catherine Rollins

Gone down another name, 4 more to go and then I can get back to the first few characters. So yay 🙌.

Love from

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