He finds out you self harm

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Chin Ho Kelly

Chin was terrified. He lost Malia and Leilani just up and left, so it was only natural that he was scared when he found out. He had come to visit you and since he has a me he let himself in.

You where sitting at your desk writing and had your elbow up on the table. Your long shirt sleeve had slid down and the first thing he saw was all the cuts going down your arm. He didn't want to loose you but at the same time didn't want to yell at you. He held you while you cried.

Steve McGarrett

He was a different story. You where laying in his bed running his hands up and down when suddenly his hand went under your sleeve. He felt the lines in your skin but when you noticed that he knew you pulled your hand away and jumped saying you had to go.

He jumped up after you grabbing you and pulling you back onto the bed. You just sat there not even looking at him. He was yelling at you, you knew that even though he was angry he was also scared. He just didn't want anything to happen to you. He ended up cuddling up to you while you where sobbing.

Danny Williams

Well he was a mixture of angry, upset and terrified. He was really confused because he thought you where always the strong one. You had slept over at his house and where changing back into you clothes. You had put you undershirt on when Danny walked in and saw all the cuts.

He was mad because you where not only hurting yourself but grace might of saw. He just wanted to keep the both of you safe. He ended up holding you close in the end because felt guilty about making you feel guilty.

Kono Kalakaua

You where honest from the beginning with her. You told her how you weren't always so confident. When you where younger you where bullied and because you uncle wasn't around, your parents weren't really interested and so you turned to harming yourself. Danny found out and dragged you with him back to jersey and helped you get better.

She cried along with you but was glad you OK now. She was even more happier when you told her surfing was what really helped you get even more better.

Wo Fat

You where kind of happy but also kind of mad when he found out. It was more of the way he found out. You didn't do it anymore but you where bullied in high school and ended up in hospital when you cut to deep.

He wanted to know everything about you and did a background check. He found out. You walked into your apartment and saw him standing there. He grabbed you in a tight hug and told you he knew. It started with you yelling at him but ended up h hugging you close to him on the couch.

Adam Noshimuri

He was on the run away from the people wanting revenge for Michaels death. You where dating him, which painted a target on your back. You ended up going on the run with him.

You where having it hard but because Adam was stressed already youout dn't want to bother him so you went a different route. He was mad you didn't come to him for help him but he understood. He helped you out and made sure you where OK everyday.

Jerry Ortega

You went to the same high school he did. He went to his high school reunion but was confused why you didn't want to come with. He found out when one of the guys came up to him and told him that his younger sister told him all about how you used to burn yourself. Both him and Chin defended you.

He came straight to your house. You confessed everything to him even telling him it was the guys sister who drove you to do it. He comforted you the entire night.

Lou Grover

You told him after the second date, you felt he deserved to know since he was a cop and had children. He would of found out either way. I mean who wouldn't do a back ground check.

He was confused because when you where around him you where confident and strong but that was back then. Your now know how to handle yourself.


He knew the following day when you took the shrimp from his hands and he caught sight of the scars on your hand. He found out and told Danny. You where pretty mad but by the end you knew he did for you.

Anyway they both talked you into getting help which you excepted.

Max Bergman

Max could see the signs and didn't even ask you why. He just made sure that you where OK everyday and wouldn't fall back into old habits. He also made sure the cuts where healing properly and weren't getting infected.

Duke Lukela

He knew what happened and knew that there was a possibility that you could have a set back. Which he found out that you where burning yourself. He made sure you knew he was there for you and would always be there for you no matter what. You soon realised he was going no where and stopped.

Catherine Rollins

She hadn't known you personally but she had heard whispers about you on the base. How you once shot yourself and turned to cutting. She never judged or said anything but you knew she knew. You told her everything and made it clear you where better now  and would go to her if you needed help.

Tough subject I know.

Sorry if it wasn't good. Some where short but that is because there's 11 people to write for and its hard coming up for stories for each one.

Love from

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