Max Bergman (Catch up)

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How you meet...

Its actually a really funny story on how the two of you meet. Well actually it all depends on how you both felt about it. You where swimming at the beach when you ended up drowning. By the time lifeguards dragged you out it felt like you didn't have a pulse or a heart beat. They couldn't get one even when they where doing CPR.

They thought you where dead and told your sister Catherine that. They took you to the mourge. Catherine came, Steve and the rest of the task force raced down there.

"Steve she's gone" she said to him crying.

"I know let's go" he said trying to get her out of there before Max started to cut into you but she shook her hair.

Max cut into you but it was just a small cut when he noticed your fingers move. He started fussing around you.

"What you doing Max" Danny said coming in.

"Call an ambulance she's still alive" max said doing CPR.

"What" Catherine said looking hopeful.

"She's hyper thermic that why the paramedics couldn't revive her straight away" Max says as Chin calls an ambulance for you.

Five days later...

You walk into Max office.

"Hello" he says walking in surprised to see you.

"Hey i want to say thanks" you tell him.

"That's OK" he says smiling. "I have a body but here's my number if you need my help" he says giving you his number.

"Well actually I came to give you my number in case you want to hang out or something. I would love to get to know my savvier" you say taking his number and giving him yours, you walk out afterwards.

Who you related to...

Catherine - twin (not identical)

Song that describes you...

Green day - Still Breathing

How he asks you out...

Well he didn't ask you out, you ask him out. Steve told you Max really wanted to ask you out but was scared to so you took a chance and phoned him.

"Hey, Max its me (y/n) Rollins, Catherine's sister who died and came back to life on your table" you say chuckling.

"I know can I help you with anything" he says, you can hear concern in his voice.

"Actually yes I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me" you say really fast suddenly becoming nervous.

"Normally the guy asks the girl out but yes I would like to go out with you. I was kind of scared to ask you out" he says shyly.

"Steve told me" you say with a smile.

"Well I'll pick you up at 7" he says.

"Sure I have to get back to work bye" you say.

"Bye" he says.

First I love you...

You had been dating for a while. You where on a lovely date walking through the market when suddenly there was a gun shot and Max went down. They managed to get him to a hospital and operated on him. The whole task force team was there and trying to calm you done.

You where all finally allowed to see him. The team spoke to him for a while and left you with him. You where laying on the bed next to him with your arms wrapped around his one arm. Just like you asked him out you said it first.

"I love you so much you know that right" you say to him with tears in your eyes.

"I love you to" he says moving his arms to around you and pulling you into a tight hug.

The other members find out your dating...

The others always knew you where dating because after the two of you met on better terms you hit it off. Neither of you could stop talking about each other.

The others where planning on getting you together but by that time you where already together. They where all really happy for the two of you.

First date...

Your first date was on Halloween. It was amazing. You guys where acting like goofy kids and it was great. Well that was until zombie guy came along and started attacking a bunch of people. It was amazing to see Max helping a person. Funny seeing him tell Steve that zombies where real.

Unfortunately the date ended with Max been in the hospital but he survived.

First kiss...

It happened after he woke up from the zombie attack. You sleeping on the couch when you heard a grunt and you woke up quickly. You shot up when you saw he was awake.

"Max" you whisper yell.

You literally dive on him and pull him into a heated kiss which he quickly returns.

"Well that's a nice way to wake up" he says once you pull away for air.

Who you jealous of...

No one. Max is so insecure that you knew he would never cheat on you because he didn't want to lose you.

*Duke Lukela
*Catherine Rollins

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