Long time no see (Steve McGarrett x Lea) Smut

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For Shadow-Nightmares

Lea's pov

I was sitting outside of Kamakona's shrimp truck. I was thinking about the next step in my life. I had just retired as a seal and needed something to do and that's when I see him. Steve McGarrett, I haven't seen him in half a year after the mission. He was with another guy.

"Hey Steve" I yell and he looks over to walking over.

"Hey Lea long time no see" he says. I stand up and give him a hug. "This is detective Danny Williams"

"Hey I'm Lea" I say shaking his hand.

"Hi, how do you know Steve" he asks.

"Oh we where both in Seals together" I say. "Until he disappeared 6 months ago".

"Oh I'm leader of a special task force called 5-0 now" he says smiling. "How's the Seal"

"I wouldn't know I left 2 months ago. I want a fresh start" I say.

"Well that's good" Danny said.

"Actually we have an opening at 5-0 if you want" Steve said.

"I'll see. Mind if I tail you" I ask.

Danny smiled, "I'm not sitting in the back".

"Don't worry I will" I tell him. "I know Steve doesn't like to give up control"

"Tell me about it" Danny said.

"Yes you can. And knock it off" Steve said smiling at me and snapped at Danny.

After the case

"Is there something your not telling me boys" I ask smirking.

"What" Steve asks.

"About you two been in love" I ask.

Kono, Chin and Lou burst in to laughter.

"No we're not" Steve growled out.

"Where you get that from" Danny said.

"You guys do act like it" I say turning and walking out of the palace with a shout "I'm going home".

I hear Steve growling, Danny making random notices and the other 3 laughing.

I chuckle walking out.

Steve's pov

I can't believe I hadn't seen her in forever. She hasn't changed a bit since I last seen her. I'm still in love with her.

When she said Danny and I where in love I just wanted to correct her. So that's what I'm going to do.

I walk up to her door and knock. I checked to make sure she had no one before I left the palace. She opened the door and thats when I couldn't  stop myself.

Smut begins...

I pushed her back and slammed the door shut, slamming her into the door afterwards.

"You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do this" I tell her.

I kiss her roughly on the lips unbuttoning her shirt and pushing it off.  I then removed mine and felt her unbutton my jeans pushing them down a long with my boxers, I did the same to her.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I couldn't hold back and I slammed into her. I felt her nails scratch my back and I groaned out loud.

Lea's pov

I can't help but moan out loud when I hear him. He's just so hot. He keeps thrusting into me harder and faster, and I can feel the knot in my stomach about to snap. Then it does.

"STEVE" I scream.

He soon follows afterwards with a moan "Lea".

Smut ends...

My feet are like jelly so Steve carries to the bed. He layed down next to me pulling the blankets over the both of us.

"I never thought this would ever happen" I say.

"Niether did I. Least now you know in not in love with Danny" he said wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer.

"Thats what this is about, well I'm glad I made that joke" I say laughing he chuckles along with me.


Hope this is what you want and I'll be getting Danny's out soon.

Love from

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