Eric Russo (Catch up)

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How you meet...

You where taking a tour around a college. You where wanting to become a CSI and where looking at different challenges. You where walking around when you crashed into someone.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry" you say embarrassed for not watching where you where going.

"Hey it's fine I'm Matthew Wilkins" the guy said smiling at you. (I don't know what name he used or if he used his real name).

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)" you say smiling back at him.

"Your thinking about going here" he asks.

"Yeah I was going to take causes to become a CSI" you say.

"I was thinking the same thing I still haven't majored yet" he says. Some guys called him from across the quad.

You both said goodbye and he walked off going your seperate ways.

Who you related to...

Kamakona - little sister

Song that describes you...

Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean?

How he asks you out...

You had been having lunch at your brother's shrimp truck with your brother when they showed up.

"Hey Matthew" you say. You told your brother about him and he had showed a picture to you telling you his real name. So you had said it with a smirk.

"Um I guess you know" he said rubbing the back of his head looking guilty.

"Yeah I do. Shame you lied because your really cute" you say messing with him.

"Wait I have a very good reason" he said to which you shook your head. Steve and Danny had caught on and where laughing at him.

"How about I take you on a date to make it up to you" he says.

"Sure" you say giggling.

First I love you...

It was a complete accident when you said it. You guys had just solved your first case as CSI's together. You had gotten really excited. You jumped up and hugged him yelling out something you had been thinking but hadn't said out loud.

"I love you" you yelled out really loudly.

You looked at him with deep blush on your face. You looked really shocked.

"I'm sorry" you say when you suddenly noticed the shocked look on his face.

"I love you to. No need to appologize" he says grabbing you and hugging you. He pulled you into a deep kiss that you automatically returned.

The other members find out your dating...

Danny and Steve had been there when he had asked you out so they had already knew. Kamakona who had known because you had talked about Eric from day 1, he was actually sick about hearing about him. The rest had guessed because you two where always together and did every case together as a team. It was no surprise when it came out but everyone congratulated you two.

First date...

He took you to an amusement park because he loved to have fun and so did you. The entire day was spent with you going on rides and eating all the candy you could stomach. By the end of the date he had won you so many stuffed animals that you could barely carry them. You guys had to keep heading out to the car and putting them in the car. The guy at the front kept laughing thinking it was funny because Eric kept groaning.

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