He Goes Back to School

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Days pass since you heard that Drake would be returning to school. The closer it got to that day he would finally come back, you felt like that day would be the day you would sit in the electric chair. Anticipation clouded your brain from seeing the good things in everything around you. You became so paranoid and you lost sleep over it. Your mom was definitely concerned about how things would go; she could hardly believe he was going back either.

Donnie let you stay over at the lair, just so you could get the rest you needed. When you were in Donnie's arms, you were the safest you could be. As you were slowly falling asleep by him, you reviewed the self defense tricks that Donnie helped you figure out. You had to be walked to school by your mother or you were going to break down.

The moment you got there, you went to your locker to get your things for first period. Drake's locker was only across the hall from you. You kept looking behind you every ten seconds so you he couldn't catch you by surprise. Legally, you got a restraining order so he couldn't touch you if he tried, but obviously... The rules didn't seem to apply to him.

You saw him coming down the hallway followed by a teacher and you froze, holding onto the locker door tightly as he went to his old locker. When he started on the lock, the teacher told him that his locker was moved.

"Drake, your locker won't be here anymore. You need to clean out your things and move it to 347,"

"What? Why?!"

"The restraining order refuses to let you be this close to (Y/n),"

"Fine." He unlocked his locker and angrily began taking everything out.

You held the lock close to your chest, already thinking of multiple ways he could come at you. You had to expect the unexpected now, for your sanity. You saw the teacher lead him away, but before he was out of sight, you saw him take a glance at you, sparks flying not from love, but from the flames of his anger.

You shut the locker, exhaling the build up in your lungs you were holding. All you wanted was the day to end so you could go somewhere safe. Thankfully the school switched your classes, but the hard part of it was that you were beginning to fall behind because of it. There was no way you could focus, then things got 10 times harder when you had a completely different class.

That was your you spent your day. Stressing about the courses, the school, your scar, your mom, and your safety... You didn't say anything all day, for the lump in your throat refused you speak at all.

   Lunch time came around and you felt sick. You couldn't eat. You watched your surroundings to calculate different ways you would escape if you needed to. You had completely zoned out, only focusing on Drake. His voice, the way he walked, it was all you could think about.  Then you saw him glance at you and you swore your heart stopped.

   "(Y/n) (L/n), you have a visitor at the office,"

   The P.A. Speaker startled you and he looked away. You got your things together, cautiously going to the school office, seeing your mom, feeling an aura of safety just by having her in your sights. She opened her arms and hugged you tightly.

   "I just wanted to check up on you. Is everything okay?"

   You hesitated. "I'm oka
y. A little anxious, but I'm fine,"
   "I'm glad to hear," she gave you a little paper bag, "I got you some of the cookies from the café. I have to go back to work,"



   You hesitated, holding your breath then exhaling. "I love you,"

   "I love you too, sweetheart." She hugged you tighter and walked out the door, waving at you.

   Truth be told, you regretted saying you were fine. You were absolutely terrified.


   It was last period and class was almost over. It was taught by your favourite teacher, Ms. Avery. She could tell immediately that you were bothered. She asked you to stay after class to talk and make a plan to help your class work.

   "So you can contact me by my school email anytime. I've found a YouTube channel that explains the topics so you can work at home. If you need any help, feel free to email me or call me on Skype. After school homework clubs are perfect too if you still need help,"

"Thanks Ms. Avery." You smiled at her.

"Don't mention it. I would hate to see you fail. You're a bright young lady. I'm going to go photocopy the worksheets, could you just wait a moment?"

"Yeah, sure,"

She smiled at you and left the room with a few papers in hand. You leaned back in your chair, taking deep breaths. Ms. Avery was very sweet. Everyone with common sense liked her because she was understanding and understood the diversity of everyone.

You were caught up in pleasant thoughts, that you didn't think anything of it when you heard the classroom door open again, loudly. You turned around and saw Drake, completely frozen in your seat.

"Drake..." You whimpered.

"Why are you here, (Y/n)?" He growled.

"Ms. Avery asked me to stay. And you?"

"Avery took my phone away this morning,"

   He walked towards you, making you stand up and back away. Drake was only a foot away from you and he reached behind you to grab his phone on her desk. You flinched and held your breath when he lifted his hand.

   "See you around, I guess." He backed towards the exit and gave you a grin before opening the door to see Ms. Avery.

   "Drake, where are you going?"

   "Home. I came to pick up my phone. That's it," he said as he brushed past her.

   She looked at you and waited for Drake to leave before saying anything.

   "Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

   "Not going to lie... I could be so much better,"

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